基調講演 1 同時通訳(英語⇔日本語)
- 2024年11月6日(水) 11:00-12:30
- 座長
- 大庭 潤平
(第8回アジア太平洋作業療法学会 実行委員長、日本作業療法士協会副会長、WFOT代表、
神戸学院大学 総合リハビリテーション学部 作業療法学科 教授)

大庭 潤平
基調講演 2同時通訳(英語⇔日本語)
- 2024年11月9日(土) 10:30-12:00
- 座長
- 山本 伸一
(一般社団法人日本作業療法士協会 会長、第8回アジア太平洋作業療法学会 学会長)

山本 伸一
- 2024年11月7日(木) 11:00-12:30
- 講師
- 中村 春基
(千里リハビリテーション病院 副院長、日本作業療法士協会前会長)

中村 春基
- 座長
- Ling-Hui Chang
(アジア太平洋作業療法地域グループ 会長、第8回アジア太平洋作業療法学会 学会長)

Ling-Hui Chang
- 2024年11月6日(水) 13:30-15:00

河村 晃依

Carolyn Unsworth

Sk. Moniruzzaman
- 座長
- Adam Lo
(Secretary, Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Regional Group / WFOT Delegate, Occupational Therapy Australia / Lecturer, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Griffith University / Mental Health Clinician, Disaster Recovery Team, Metro South Health, Queensland Government, AUSTRALIA)
鈴木 達也
(聖隷クリストファー大学 リハビリテーション学部 准教授)

Adam Lo

鈴木 達也
- 2024年11月7日(木) 9:00-10:30
- 講師
- 友利 幸之介
(東京工科大学 リハビリテーション学科 教授)
Tsan-Hsun Huang
(Chief advisor, OOPS limited Company / Commissioner, Disability Welfare Institution Evaluation Committee, Ministry of Health and Welfare, TAIWAN)
Ickpyo Hong
(Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Software and Digital Healthcare Convergence, Yonsei University, KOREA)

友利 幸之介

Tsan-Hsun Huang

Ickpyo Hong
- 座長
- Patrick Ker
(Senior Principal Occupational Therapist, Singapore General Hospital / Adjunct Associate Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology, SINGAPORE)
Yuho Okita
(Soaring Health Sports, Wellness and Community Centre, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)

Patrick Ker

Yuho Okita
- 2024年11月8日(金) 9:00-10:30

竹林 崇

Ling-Yi Lin

Bhing Leet Tan
- 座長
- Lynette Mackenzie
(Professor of Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney / Research Program Co-ordinator, World Federation of Occupational Therapists / Vice President, Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Regional Group, AUSTRALIA)
天野 暁
(北里大学 医療衛生学部 リハビリテーション学科 作業療法学専攻 准教授)

Lynette Mackenzie

天野 暁
- 2024年11月8日(金) 11:00-12:30

元廣 惇

Ji Seokyeon

Ellie Fossey
- 座長
- Dan Johnson
(OTNZ-WNA - Occupational Therapy New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND)
高橋 香代子
(第8回アジア太平洋作業療法学会 実行委員長補佐、日本作業療法士協会 理事、WFOT 第1代理、北里大学 医療衛生学部 教授)

Dan Johnson

高橋 香代子
Education ワークショップ
The Digital Shift: Navigating online and in-person learning
- 2024年11月6日(水)13:30-17:00
- 講師
- Ling-Hui Chang
(アジア太平洋作業療法地域グループ 会長/第8回アジア太平洋作業療法学会 学会長)

Ling-Hui Chang
- 2024年11月7日(木) 13:30-14:30
- 座長
- 岩根 達郎
(京都府立洛南病院 リハビリテーションセンター)
- 演者
- 豊巻 敦人
(北海道大学大学院医学研究院 精神医学教室 助教)
- 演者
- 森元 隆文
(札幌医科大学 保健医療学部 作業療法学科 講師)

岩根 達郎

豊巻 敦人

森元 隆文
The Art of Hand Splinting
- 2024年11月8日(金) 11:00-12:00
- 演者
- 仲木 右京
- 2024年11月8日(金) 13:30-14:30
- 演者
- Vicki Abraham
(Abraham OT Services Pty Ltd(Australia))
- 演者
- 金子 文成
(東京都立大学 健康福祉学部 理学療法学科 人間健康科学研究科 理学療法科学域)
飯塚 照史
(奈良学園大学 保健医療学部 リハビリテーション学科)
Jane Wang
(Roceso Technologies Pte.Ltd., Singapore)

Vicki Abraham

金子 文成

飯塚 照史

Jane Wang
Scientific Workshop
会期中、24の様々なScientific Workshopを開催いたします。
Scientific Workshopに参加される方は、以下の内容をご確認の上、登録フォームよりお申し込みください。
- Scientific Workshopに参加するには、APOTC2024への登録が必要です。既にAPOTC2024への参加登録がお済みの方は、追加参加費は不要です。
- 同時に開催されるセッションへの複数の申し込みはご遠慮ください。
- 以下の各ワークショップの登録フォームよりお申し込みください。
- Scientific Workshop 1 (SWS1)
Screening, Diagnosis and Early Intervention for Children with Autism: A family-centered, interdisciplinary team approach - Scientific Workshop 2 (SWS2)
Restoration of occupational justice in disaster recovery - Scientific Workshop 3 (SWS3)
A community-based occupational therapy supports sustainable community living and social participation for couples - Scientific Workshop 4 (SWS4)
Healthy Kendama - Scientific Workshop 5 (SWS5)
Relational developmental perspectives to understand the responsiveness of children with disabilities and build relationships with them - Scientific Workshop 6 (SWS6)
Using Health-Related Databases for Research: Introduction for Absolute Beginners to Use Big Data - Scientific Workshop 7 (SWS7)
Teaching Culturally Responsive Practitioners: Use of Video Analysis and Guided Discussion - Scientific Workshop 8 (SWS8)
Innovative Occupational Therapy for Children with Sensory Processing Disorders: Introduction to Sensory Friendly Experiences - Scientific Workshop 9 (SWS9)
Current events in occupational science in the Asia-Pacific: A Global Cafe - Scientific Workshop 10 (SWS10)
Occupational Therapist as an Occupation Prescriber for Community Dwelling Older People Healthy Mothers Healthy Families Healthy Promoting Activity Coaching for Paediatric Occupational Therapists. - Scientific Workshop 11 (SWS11)
Exploring Personal Narratives in Occupational Therapy Practice and Education: An Introduction to Playback Theatre - Scientific Workshop 12 (SWS12)
Bringing Out the OT-self in Developing Therapeutic Relationship with Special Needs Children - Scientific Workshop 13 (SWS13)
Community engagement through collaborative participatory approaches: A workshop about photovoice and other collaborative strategies - Scientific Workshop 14 (SWS14)
Craftivism and occupational therapy - Scientific Workshop 15 (SWS15)
Occupational Therapy Leadership: Empowering Through Therapeutic Modes & Communication - Scientific Workshop 16 (SWS16)
Clinical competency in empowering sexuality and intimacy for adults with physical disability / chronic illness - Scientific Workshop 17 (SWS17)
What happened after we got to know AMPS - Scientific Workshop 18 (SWS18)
Advancing OT practice in the mental health field: How to develop evidence-based occupation focused interventions - Scientific Workshop 19 (SWS19)
Advancing Occupational Therapy Education in Asia through International Graduate School Education and Scholarship, taking inspiration from Tokyo Metropolitan University - Scientific Workshop 20 (SWS20)
Social prescribing with Occupational Therapy
~Empowering new health system: Cultivating Progress Through Our Initiatives~ - Scientific Workshop 21 (SWS21)
Client-centered goal-setting tools: ADOC and C-COG - Scientific Workshop 22 (SWS22)
Introduction of Management Tool for Daily Life Performance (MTDLP) in Japan - Scientific Workshop 23 (SWS23)
Supporting our LGBT+ Clients: Developing LGBT+ Good Practice Guidelines for Occupational Therapists in Ireland and Japan - Scientific Workshop 24 (SWS24)
Introducing Innovative Practical Tools to Facilitate People with Dementia to Engage in Meaningful Occupations
Scientific Workshop 1 (SWS1)
Screening, Diagnosis and Early Intervention for Children with Autism: A family-centered, interdisciplinary team approach
- 講師
- Fengyi Kuo (School of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jiangsu Medical College, China & Indiana University School of Rehabilitation Sciences, US)
- 日時
- 2024/11/6 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 2 (SWS2)
Restoration of occupational justice in disaster recovery
- 講師
- Eliza Huppatz, BAppSc (OT), MPH (School of Allied Health Science and Practice, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia)
Adjunct Associate Professor Robert Pereira, BOccThy (Hons), PhD (Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Bruce ACT 2617 Australia)
Associate Professor Emma George, BAppSc (OT), MHID, MPH, PhD (School of Allied Health Science and Practice, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia)
Emeritus Professor Gail Whiteford, BAppSc (OT), MHSc, PhD (School of Allied Health, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia)
- 日時
- 2024/11/6 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 3 (SWS3)
A community-based occupational therapy supports sustainable community living and social participation for couples
- 講師
- Hiromi Nakamura-Thomas (Saitama Prefectural University, Japan)
Ickpyo Hong (Associate Professor, College of Software and Digital Healthcare Convergence, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Naoki Nakaya (Professor, Tohoku University, Japan, Public Health)
Suyeong Bae (Doctoral student, College of Software and Digital Healthcare Convergence,Yonsei University, Republic of Koreaa)
- 日時
- 2024/11/6 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 4 (SWS4)
Healthy Kendama
- 講師
- Murahashi Daisuke (Social Welfare Corporation Keiseikai, Keiseikai Visiting Nursing Station) Ikeda Asami (Independent Administrative Institution National Hospital Organization, Nara Medical Center)
- 日時
- 2024/11/6 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 5 (SWS5)
Relational developmental perspectives to understand the responsiveness of children with disabilities and build relationships with them
- 講師
- Takamichi TANIGUCHI (International University of Health and Welfare)
Daisuke HIRANO (International University of Health and Welfare)
Huang FUBIAO (China Rehabilitation Research Center)
Do Ngoc TUNG (Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped)
Misaki WADA (International University of Health and Welfare)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 9:00-10:30
- 会場
- Venue 8 (2F 201+202)
Scientific Workshop 6 (SWS6)
Using Health-Related Databases for Research: Introduction for Absolute Beginners to Use Big Data
- 講師
- Kaori Yamaguchi (Department of Health and Welfare Services, National Institute of Public Health, Japan /Japanese Society of International Rehabilitation)
Phyo Thant Maw (Daina Rehabili-Clinic, Daina medical corporation)
Makoto Kono (School of Health Sciences at Odawara, International University of Health and Welfare/ Japanese Society of International Rehabilitation)
Akane Katsuda (Himeji Dokkyo University)
Kiyoshi Ishii (International University of Health and Welfare)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 9:00-10:30
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 7 (SWS7)
Teaching Culturally Responsive Practitioners: Use of Video Analysis and Guided Discussion
- 講師
- Ling Yu (Elena) Meng (Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California (USC))
Linsey Grunes (Associate Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy at USC)
Merry Lee (Adjust Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 9:00-10:30
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 8 (SWS8)
Innovative Occupational Therapy for Children with Sensory Processing Disorders: Introduction to Sensory Friendly Experiences
- 講師
- Yuko Ito (Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Roger Ideishi (Occupational Therapy Programs, Dept. of Health, Human Function, and Rehabilitation Sciences, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, The George Washington University)
Ayako Sukegawa (Occupational Therapy Course, Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Yoko Yamanishi (Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences 、 Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 8 (2F 201+202)
Scientific Workshop 9 (SWS9)
Current events in occupational science in the Asia-Pacific: A Global Cafe
- 講師
- Michael Sy (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Senior Researcher)
Roi Charles Pineda (KU Leuven, Associate Researcher)
Ben Lee (University of New Hampshire, Postdoctoral Diversity and Innovation Scholar)
Daniela Castro de Jong (University of New South Wales, Nexus Fellow (Chile/Australia))
Eric Asaba (Karolinska Institutet, Associate Professor (Sweden/Japan))
Peter Bontje (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Professor)
Mari Sakaue (Sapporo Medical University, Associate Professor)
Hyub Kim (Far East University, Assistant Professor)
Erayanti Saloko (Health Polytechnic of Surakarta, Indonesia)
Risa Takashima (Hokkaido University)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 10 (SWS10)
Occupational Therapist as an Occupation Prescriber for Community Dwelling Older People
- 講師
- Tengku Mohd Asri Tengku Makhtar (Putrajaya Health Clinic, Ministry of Health Malaysia)
Harnisha Haidhir (Seremban Health Clinic, Ministry of Health Malaysia)
Rejina Maniam (Sarawak Cardiac Centre, Ministry of Health Malaysia)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 11 (SWS11)
Exploring Personal Narratives in Occupational Therapy Practice and Education: An Introduction to Playback Theatre
- 講師
- Aki Komori (Home-visit Nursing Service Yurarin)
Hiromi Yoshikawa (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Chikako Koyama (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Masayuki Takagi (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Orita Yasushi (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
Yuya Nakagoshi (Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University)
Hiroko Osafune (Yokohama East Area Habilitation Center for Children)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 12 (SWS12)
Bringing Out the OT-self in Developing Therapeutic Relationship with Special Needs Children
- 講師
- Erayanti Saloko (Occupational Therapy Department, The Health Polytechnic of Surakarta, Indonesia)
Yuko Ito (Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Ryuji Kobayashi (Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation, Hyogo Medical University, Japan)
- 日時
- 2024/11/7 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 13 (SWS13)
Community engagement through collaborative participatory approaches: A workshop about photovoice and other collaborative strategies
- 講師
- Eric Asaba (Karolinska Institutet / Stockholms Sjukhem)
Anders Kottorp (Malmo University)
Margarita Mondaca (Karolinska Institutet& Umeå University)
Margareta Rämgård (Care Science and a human health geographer, Malmo University)
Melissa Park (School of Physical & Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, McGill University)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 9:00-10:30
- 会場
- Venue 8 (2F 201+202)
Scientific Workshop 14 (SWS14)
Craftivism and occupational therapy
- 講師
- Daniela Castro de Jong (School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney, Australia / Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Australia)
Lucy Barton (Discipline of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Australia)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 9:00-10:30
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 15 (SWS15)
Occupational Therapy Leadership: Empowering Through Therapeutic Modes & Communication
- 講師
- Fatma Rana AYDEMİR(Hacettepe University, Occupational Therapist)
Feyza ŞENGÜL (Çankırı Karatekin University, Research Assistant)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 9:00-10:30
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 16 (SWS16)
Clinical competency in empowering sexuality and intimacy for adults with physical disability / chronic illness
- 講師
- Jonathan Wong (Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 11:00-12:30
- 会場
- Venue 8 (2F 201+202)
Scientific Workshop 17 (SWS17)
What happened after we got to know AMPS.
- 講師
- Minkyung HONG (Convergence Research Center, SoonChunHyang University, Republic of Korea)
Ayaka ITO (Dep. of Occupational Therapy, Ibaraki Prefectural University, Japan)
Ryohei MATSUZAWA (IMS Itabashi Rehabilitation Hospital, Japan)
Sawako SAITO (Dep. of Occupational Therapy, Ibaraki Prefectural University, Japan)
Shingo YAMANE (School of Rehabilitation, Reiwa Health Sciences University, Japan)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 11:00-12:30
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 18 (SWS18)
Advancing OT practice in the mental health field: How to develop evidence-based occupation focused interventions
- 講師
- Hikari Isaji (Occupational Therapy Sciences, Prevention & Rehabilitation Sciences Course, Department of Integrated Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University)
Aiko Hoshino (Occupational Therapy Sciences, Prevention & Rehabilitation Sciences Course, Department of Integrated Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University)
Terry Krupa (School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Queen's University)
Shu-Ping Chen (Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta)
Takeshi Matsumoto (Occupational Therapy Sciences, Prevention & Rehabilitation Sciences Course, Department of Integrated Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 11:00-12:30
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 19 (SWS19)
Advancing Occupational Therapy Education in Asia through International Graduate School Education and Scholarship, taking inspiration from Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 講師
- Peter Bontje (Tokyo Metropolitan university)
Yuko Ito (Tokyo Metropolitan university))
Michael Sy (ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences Switzerland)
Azharul Islam (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Mohuya Akter (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Erayanti Saloko (Health Polytechnic of Surakarta, Indonesia)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 8 (2F 201+202)
Scientific Workshop 20 (SWS20)
Social prescribing with Occupational Therapy
~Empowering new health system: Cultivating Progress Through Our Initiatives~
- 講師
- Naoto Kiguchi (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)
Izumi Oki (West Suffolk HNS foundation Early Intervention Team)
Sawako Saito (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)
Kenta Nomura (Mejiro University)
Ikue Sanada (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)
Yuka Takasaki (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 21 (SWS21)
Client-centered goal-setting tools: ADOC and C-COG
- 講師
- Kounosuke Tomori (Tokyo University of Technology)
Yuho Okita (Soaring Health Sports, Wellness and Community Centre in Australia)
Emmah Doig (Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation (STARS) Education and Research Alliance, The University of Qld and Metro North Health)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 13:30-15:00
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)
Scientific Workshop 22 (SWS22)
Introduction of Management Tool for Daily Life Performance (MTDLP) in Japan
- 講師
- MTDLP promotion team of JAOT
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 8 (2F 201+202)
Scientific Workshop 23 (SWS23)
Supporting our LGBT+ Clients: Developing LGBT+ Good Practice Guidelines for Occupational Therapists in Ireland and Japan
- 講師
- Niall Kirrane (Chairperson; AOTI Gender & Sexuality in Occupational Therapy Advisory Group / Co- Author; AOTI LGBT+ Awareness and Good Practice Guidelines for Occupational Therapists)
Jane Freeman (Secretary; AOTI Gender & Sexuality in Occupational Therapy Advisory Group / Co- Author, AOTI LGBT+ Awareness and Good Practice Guidelines for Occupational Therapists)
Risa Takashima (LGBT+ guideline group, Academic department, JAOT / Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University)
Takeshi Matsumoto (LGBT+ Guideline Group, Academic Department, JAOT / Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University / Diversity & Inclusion Office, Heisei Medical Welfare Group)
Yosuke Suzuki (LGBT+ guideline group, Academic Department, JAOT/Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Masanao Ikeya (LGBT+ guideline group, Academic department, JAOT / Faculty of Medical Science, Nagoya Women’s University)
Aiko Hoshino (LGBT+ guideline group, Academic department, JAOT / Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 9 (2F 206)
Scientific Workshop 24 (SWS24)
Introducing Innovative Practical Tools to Facilitate People with Dementia to Engage in Meaningful Occupations
- 講師
- Masahiro Ogawa (Kobe Gakuin University, Associate Professor)
Tomoaki Asano (Akita University, Associate Professor)
Nick Hird (Aikomi Care)
Seiji Nishida (Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Professor)
Akiko Kawai (Fujita Health University, Nanakuri Memorial Hospital, Community Comprehensive Support Center, Chief Occupational Therapist)
- 日時
- 2024/11/8 15:30-17:00
- 会場
- Venue 10 (2F 207)