Board & Committee
Executive organizing committee

Scientific program committee

Finance committee

Sponsorship committee

Public relations committee

Poster committee

OMOTENASHI committee

Public lecture committee

Eve fest Committee

Scientific advisory board
Sun CHOI Ewha Womans University
Guang ZHU Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Huei-Chih Hung National Chung Hsing University
Elizabeth Hinde The University of Melbourne
Jie Yan National University of Singapore
Tae-Young Yoon Seoul National University
Anthony Watts Oxford University
David Crossman The University of Auckland
Ana Denicola University of the Republic
Hans-Joachim Galla University of Münster
Angela M. Gronenborn University of Pittsburgh
Peter Pohl Kepler University
Gabriella Viero Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Pingsheng Liu Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ronald Clarke The University of Sydney