1. がん抑制遺伝子p53の新規機能の解明と臨床応用
Opening Up New Avenues for p53 Research
- 座長
- 大木 理恵子
- (国立がん研究センター研究所 基礎腫瘍学ユニット)
- 板鼻 康至
- (デューク・シンガポール国立大学医学部)
ORGANOIDS: Unlocking Deep Insights into Cancer Biology
Organoids can recapitulate the in vivo characteristics of cells and significantly contribute to elucidating the molecular mechanisms involved in the development and progression of cancer. Cancer progression is influenced by diverse factors in the microenvironment, such as inflammation, immune reaction, extracellular matrix remodeling, energy metabolism, and hypoxia. However, most of the molecular mechanisms promoting malignant progression remain unknown. Functional analysis using state-of-the-art technologies such as imaging, omics analysis, and novel devices in organoid culture systems has made it possible to analyze fundamental processes that take place in the microenvironment. Also, manipulating gene functions utilizing various genetic approaches in organoids has uncovered many novel gene functions that regulate differentiation, cell proliferation, and drug responses. In addition, constructing a library of patient-derived organoids and the stratification of cancers according to their responsiveness to cancer drugs or niche factors promote personalized medicine. Such analyses have provided new insights regarding cancer stem cells, cell plasticity, and the interactions between cancer cells and the immune system. These efforts will lead to identifying new therapeutic targets and establishing new therapies to cure malignant cancers for which no treatment is available. In this symposium, we will discuss the cutting edge of organoid research and the future direction.
2. 腸内細菌叢とがん
Gut microbiota and cancer
Owing to the next-generation sequencing technology, gut microbiota research has recently advanced, revealing that gut bacteria are associated with various human diseases. This session will focus on recent cutting-edge topics, particularly the relationship between cancer and gut microbiota. We will discuss the relationship between colorectal cancer and E. coli positive for the mutagenic bacterial toxin, colibactin, as well as the analysis of the hereditary colorectal tumors and the gut microbiota. Additionally, this session will cover the involvement of bacterial species present within tumors in cancer progression, which has been recently elucidated. Furthermore, we will discuss the bacterial species that enhance the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and the potential of phage therapy targeting specific causative bacteria. We are also accepting one presentation from the public.
- 座長
- 大谷 直子
- (大阪公立大学大学院医学研究科病態生理学)
- 谷内田 真一
- (大阪大学 大学院医学系研究科 ゲノム生物学講座)
3. がん評価動物モデル - マウスから比較腫瘍学まで
Animal Models for Cancer Research - From the Mice to Comparative Oncology
Animal models are essential tools for cancer research. To date, attempts have been made to develop animal models that faithfully recapitulate the molecular etiology and pathophysiology of human cancer, such as syngeneic/xenogeneic tumor-bearing mouse models, patient-derived xenografted mouse models, humanized mouse models and genetically modified mouse models. Furthermore, over the past two decades, the NIH/NIC in the USA has led the development of novel animal models using naturally occurring tumors in pet dogs, known as the “Comparative Oncology Project”, and has successfully accumulated critical knowledge through the biological studies including genome and informatics analysis. Moreover, the canine tumor models are now used to evaluate immunotherapy for rare cancers as the “Cancer Moonshot Project” in the United States, which is being promoted around the world. The aim of this symposium is to provide the basics from the cutting-edge mouse models to naturally occurring canine tumor models, as well as their practical application in future research. These approaches will greatly contribute to the innovative cancer research and therapeutic strategy.
- 座長
- 中川 貴之
- (東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科 獣医外科学研究室)
- 大島 正伸
- (金沢大学がん進展制御研究所 腫瘍遺伝学研究分野)
4. AIが拓くがん研究・医療の未踏領域
AI is opening up new frontiers in cancer research and medicine.
In recent years, expectations for artificial intelligence (AI) technology have been increasing due to the rapid progress of machine learning, centered around deep learning. Since the development of Transformer in 2017, there has been significant progress in the field of generative AI, including large language models (LLMs), and AI is now being used in various fields of social life, as well as being a research tool. The medical field is no exception, and AI is being introduced into a wide range of medical research, from basic research to clinical research. According to the latest data from the US FDA, there are over 950 AI-equipped medical devices that have been approved by the FDA and are actually being used in clinical practice. Under these circumstances, this symposium will be held in collaboration with the Japanese Association for Medical Artificial Intelligence to present the results of cancer research using cutting-edge AI, from basic research to clinical applications, and to discuss future directions and issues.
- 座長
- 浜本 隆二
- (国立がん研究センター研究所医療AI研究開発分野)
- 石川 俊平
- (東京大学/国立がんセンター衛生学分野/臨床腫瘍病理分野)
1. デザイナー細胞とRNA科学が切り開く次世代のがん研究
Next-generation cancer research pioneered by designer cells and RNA science
Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy has achieved remarkable success in the treatment of hematological malignancies. However, significant challenges persist in the context of solid tumors, necessitating further innovation. In particular, the tumor microenvironment—characterized by an abundance of cancer stem cells and fibroblasts—as well as the antigenic heterogeneity and loss unique to solid tumors, underscore the limitations of current therapeutic approaches. Overcoming these obstacles requires the development of novel treatment strategies that go beyond conventional CAR-T therapies. This proposal aims to unlock the potential of "next-generation designer cell therapies powered by RNA science" by harnessing precise genomic information and state-of-the-art nucleic acid technologies. Recent advances in RNA modification measurement and profiling have not only paved the way for precision medicine in cancer treatment but have also expanded the potential of nucleic acid-based therapeutics. Specifically, we seek to address antigenic diversity through epitope broadening, regulate immune memory, and develop therapeutic strategies targeting cells beyond T cells, utilizing innovative models that accurately recapitulate human pathophysiology. Additionally, this initiative promotes groundbreaking technological advancements by young researchers, fostering transformative studies that aspire to pioneer the next generation of cancer therapies.
- 座長
- 原 知明
- (大阪大学大学院医学系研究科最先端医療イノベーションセンター)
2. がんにおける脂質代謝
Lipid metabolism in caner biology
Alterations in lipid metabolism in cancer are understandable. The phospholipids that make up the cell membrane need to increase significantly due to the larger size of cancer cells. Increased cell proliferation also requires increased lipid synthesis.
These may be regarded as requirements for oncogenesis.
On the other hand, in recent years, accumulated studies revealed that changes in lipid metabolism actively drive oncogenesis. For example, the phospholipid hydrolysing enzyme sPLA2, which is essential in lymphomagenesis, is produced by tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs), suggesting that it is involved in oncogenesis through active alterations in lipid metabolism. In hepatocellular carcinoma, lipid accumulation by palmitic acid upregulates PD-L1 expression, suggesting that it induces aggressive tumour cell immune deviation.
In this symposium, we hope to stimulate active discussion and deepen our understanding of oncogenesis actively driven by such changes in lipid metabolism.
1. 肺がん研究の最前線
The forefront of lung cancer research
Research on lung cancer is progressing rapidly. Recent advances in whole-genome analysis technology are beginning to elucidate the entire picture of genomic abnormalities in lung cancer. Furthermore, with the advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors, molecular target drugs, antibody-drug conjugates, and bispecific antibodies, the perioperative treatment of lung cancer and the treatment of advanced stage cancers are undergoing dramatic changes. There is a feeling that bispecific antibodies will lead to a paradigm shift in the treatment of small cell lung cancer, where no major changes have been seen in treatment. In this symposium, we would like to share cutting-edge information on research into lung cancer. We are looking forward to many participants.
- 座長
- 矢野 聖二
- (金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系 呼吸器内科学)
2. 脳腫瘍における病態解明と新規治療開発の進展
Advances in Cancer Biology and Translational Research for Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors
Brain tumors are notoriously refractory to treatment and are associated with dismal prognoses, underscoring the critical need for the development of novel therapies. In recent years, intensive research efforts have led to a rapid expansion of molecular understanding in brain tumors, leading to personalized medicine based on molecular abnormality and induction of molecularly targeted therapies. As well as primary brain tumors, the advancement of understanding of systemic cancers has enabled us to induce personalized therapies for metastatic brain tumors based on the molecular characteristics of the primary organ. However, these therapies contribute to the limited number of patients, with the remaining patients with dismal prognoses yet. This session will focus on recent advances in basic and translational research on malignant and metastatic brain tumors, highlighting the latest insights to understand brain tumor pathogenesis and advance novel therapeutic development. The program welcomes early-career investigators and graduate students and calls for abstracts from younger researchers and clinicians.
- 座長
- 中田 光俊
- (金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系 脳・脊髄機能制御学 (脳神経外科))
International Session
1. がん細胞における細胞周期制御の脆弱性:新たな治療標的の探索と開発
Targeting vulnerability in mitotic cell cycle: emerging anti-cancer strategies
- 座長
- Hongtao Yu
- (School of Life Sciences, Westlake University)
2. がん研究における鉄・硫黄・酸素の3次元的理解︓がん予防・治療を指向する新レドックス概念
Triangular dynamics among iron, sulfur and oxygen in cancer: novel redox concepts toward cancer prevention and therapeutics
- 座長
- 豊國 伸哉
- (名古屋大学医学系研究科 生体反応病理学)
- Young-Joon Surh
- (Seoul National University)
3. 空間的シングルセル解析の臨床実装:基礎研究から実臨床へ
Spatial Single Cell Analysis for clinical implementation in terms of clinical development
- 座長
- Woong-Yang Park
- (Samsung Genome Institute)
4. 新たな細胞外分泌小胞(Evs)の癌医療の応用にむけて
Novel application of extracellular secretory vesicles (Evs) in cancer therapy
- 座長
- Andreas Möller
- (Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
5. エピジェネティック修飾:メカニズムからがん病態まで
Epigenetic modifications: from mechanisms to cancer
- 座長
- Li-Jung Juan
- (Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica)
6. がん研究を切り拓くプロテオミクス技術の新展開
Breaking New Ground in Cancer Research with Advanced Proteomics
- 座長
- Yu-Ju Chen
- (Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica)
7. 宿主因子に注目したEBウイルスによる発がん機構
Host Factors in EBV-induced Carcinogenesis
- 座長
- 新井 文子
- (聖マリアンナ医科大学 血液・腫瘍内科学)
- Seok Jin Kim
- (Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine)
8. インフォマティクス技術を駆使したがんの組織多様性に関わる調節機構の解明
Elucidating the regulatory mechanisms involved in tumor tissue heterogeneity through advanced informatics technologies
- 座長
- Shyam Prabhakar
- (Laboratory of Systems Biology and Data Analytics, Genome Institute of Singapore)