
The 54th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
The 61st Technical Seminar of Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
President Tomihiro Imai
(President, National Hospital Organization Hakone Hospital)
I am pleased to announce that the 54th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology/61st Technical Seminar of Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology will be held at the Sapporo Convention Center from October 24 (Thu) to 26 (Sat), 2024.
The Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology has developed by bringing together members from many different departments. “Harmony in diversity” is essential for a highly interdisciplinary society such as ours. The main theme of the 54th Annual Meeting is "Clinical Neurophysiology for All - Harmony in Diversity -," which expresses our desire to recognize once again that our diverse membership must come together in harmony for the further development of clinical neurophysiology. The 54th Annual Meeting will focus not only on the development of clinical neurophysiology in departments and fields with a large number of members, but also on neurophysiology in departments, fields, and professions with relatively small numbers of members, and will be run in collaboration with other societies related to clinical neurophysiology and relatively small research groups that have been active for many years in Hokkaido. We hope that the 54th Annual Meeting will serve as an opportunity to reaffirm the interdisciplinary nature of the Society, which includes everyone who is interested in the study of clinical neurophysiology.
Although various social activities are returning to what they were before the coronavirus disaster, the live transmission over the Internet that was explored during the coronavirus disaster will probably remain in some form as a new system for academic conferences. We plan to use the best parts of these new systems at the conference and technical seminars, but this year's program will place particular emphasis on on-site participation, and will include a number of programs that will allow conference participants to exchange views and opinions face-to-face at the conference venue. For overseas participants, we will hold one-day hands-on courses in EEG and EMG, respectively, under the title of "Sapporo Super EEG" and "Sapporo Super EMG". We look forward to your participation from overseas.
Sapporo in October is the most attractive season of the year, and you can fully enjoy Hokkaido in autumn, with its autumn foliage, gourmet food, and other attractions. We have also created elaborate venues for the conference and banquet, so that participants from Japan and abroad will be able to fully enjoy the autumn in Hokkaido. We sincerely look forward to your participation.