STS-ASCVTS Aortic Summit 2024(The Society of Thoracic Surgeons & the Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Aortic Summit 2024)


Wet lab

14:00 - 17:00, November 14th Thursday, 2024

FET with total arch replacement- Terumo Thoraflex

Morning sympo

7:00 - 8:00, November 15th Friday, 2024



Session 1 Root

8:00 - 10:00, November 15th Friday, 2024

Bentall to VSARR - History and Current Technique

VSARR with trileaflet AV repair - focus on type II AR and cusp prolapse

BAV repair with VSARR- patient selection and technique

Ross procedure - past pitfalls and current results

Top abstract presentation #1 - Root

Session 2 Arch

10:10 - 12:00, November 15th Friday, 2024

Brain protection during arch surgery - History and Current Technique

Shaggy Aorta during Arch Surgery - stroke and prevention

Options for Arch reconstruction - open to hybrid

Total arch replacement with FET - device selection, techniques, and outcomes

Top abstract presentation #2 - Arch

Lunch sympo

12:00 - 13:00, November 15th Friday, 2024

Artivion - management of malperfusion of ATAAD with AMDS

Gore - Branched arch and TAAA endografts - deep dive into indication and technique

Medtronic - Annular enlargment for AVR - why are surgeons not doing this more often?

Abbott - Valve replacement - deep dive into valve design and hemodynamic performance

Session 3 Descending

13:00 - 15:00, November 15th Friday, 2024

Evolution of Spinal protection - History and Current Technique

Open TAAA repair - current technique and outcomes

Organ protection during TAAA repair - renal and visceral

DTAA repair - Operative considerations for failed TEVAR

Top abstract presentation #3 - DTAA/TAAA

Session 4 TEVAR

15:15 - 17:00, November 15th Friday, 2024

TEVAR for DTAA to Type B Aortic Dissection - History and Evolution of Therapy

Endo-Bentall - will it ever be a reality and clinically relevant?

Arch TEVAR - current trials and where is the future taking us?

TAAA TEVAR - current outcomes and future devices

TEVAR for CTD - indications and complications

Top abstract presentation #4 - TEVAR

Evening sympo

17:00 - 18:00, November 15th Friday, 2024

Insights of a female Cardio-Aortic surgeon in Japan

Gender Equity in Cardiothoracic Surgery - How to close the gap

General Buffet Party

Morning sympo

7:00 - , November 16th Saturday, 2024

STS Aortic surgery database

Japan Aortic surgery database

Session 5 Dissection

8:00 - 10:30, November 16th Saturday, 2024

Real world data of ATAAD repair (IRAD, STS & Japanese database) - Improving outcomes?

Management of the Root during ATAAD repair - when to replace and when to spare

Management of the Arch during ATAAD repair - hemi vs partial vs total arch replacement

Malperfusion in ATAAD - novel technology and techniques to address the distal aorta

Concept of uncomplicated vs complicated TBAD - TEVAR for all?

Top abstract presentation #5 - Dissection

Session 6 HTAD/Congenital Aort

10:45 - 12:00, November 16th Saturday, 2024

Key Note - Pitfalls in Adult Congenital Heart Disease for the Aortic Surgeon

HTAD - current guidelines and gaps in knowledge

Role of aggressive aortic replacement in CTD

Top abstract presentation #6 - CTD

Lunch sympo

12:00 - 13:00, November 16th Saturday, 2024

Terumo Aortic - FET with Thoraflex - deep dive session

Cook - Bare stent in the distal aorta for ATBAD - the PETTICOAT / STABILIZE concept

Edwards - Bentall procedure considerations

JLL: New FET graft

Session 7 Videos

13:00 - 15:00, November 16th Saturday, 2024

Commando operation


Complex arch, shaggy aorta

Malperfusion in ATAAD

Thoracoabdominal aorta, Straight SIRC incision

Redo surgery for TAAA

Root enlargement

Extensive arch

Graft infection

Top abstract presentation #7- Video

Session 8 Complex

15:15 - 17:00, November 16th Saturday, 2024

Aortic root abscess - collateral damage and prosthesis choice

Reoperative surgery for failing Bentall

Reoperative surgery for failing VSRR or Ross

Aortic fistula - guts and airways

Strategy for extensive arch lesions

Top abstract presentation #8- Complex

(As of May 8, 2024)

Congress Secretariat

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Toyosaki, Kita-ku, Osaka
531-0072, Japan
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FAX: +81-6-6377-2075