
泌尿器科医そして研究者として ―細胞・自然・科学に夢を抱いて―
Speaker:Norio Nonomura
(Department of Urology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

演者:岡 昌治
(リーガロイヤルホテル マスターソムリエ)

文化人講演24月22日(土) 13:05~14:05
「旅するゴルフ」~ 旅をしなけりゃ見えないものもある(海外のコースに憧れ、世界を旅し、日本に帰って、やっと日本のコースの美しさがわかった。)
演者:宮本 卓

Special Lecture 1April 21 (Fri.),13:15~13:50
Lumicrin Factors and Regulatory Mechanisms of Epididymal Sperm Maturation
Speaker:Masahito Ikawa
(Department of Experimental Genome Research, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University)

Special Lecture 2April 21 (Fri.),13:15~13:50
Targeting metabolic vulnerability of neuroendocrine carcinomas
Speaker:Nobuhiro Tanuma
(Division of Cancer Chemotherapy, Miyagi Cancer Center Research Institute)

Special Lecture 3April 22 (Sat.),14:10~14:45
Ig Nobel prize and Colorectal cancer
Speaker:Akira Horiuchi
(Digestive Disease Center, Showa Inan General Hospital)

Special Lecture 4April 22 (Sat.),13:10~13:45
Deep Medicine; Implementation of AI in Medical System
Speaker:Yusuke Nakamura
(National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition)

Special Lecture 5April 22 (Sat.),13:55~14:30
The physiological and pathological function of androgen receptor (AR) in andrology
Speaker:Shigeaki Kato
(Health Science Research Center, Graduate School of Life Science and Technology, Iryo Sosei University)
First Penguin: Pioneer of Innovative Medicine
Cutting-edge liquid biopsiesApril 20 (Thu.),10:40~12:10

Current Status and Future Perspective of Liquid Biopsy in Urological Cancers: SCRUM-Japan MONSTAR SCREEN Nationwide Cancer Genome Screening Project
Speaker:Norio Nonomura
(Department of Urology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Targeting Drivers of Resistance in Advanced Prostate Cancer: Evolving towards Precision Oncology
Speaker:Martin E. Gleave
(Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia/Vancouver Prostate Centre, Canada)

Methylation measurement of miRNAs using single-molecule quantum sequencer
Speaker:Masateru Taniguchi
(SANKEN, Osaka University)

Inter-organ communication via exosomes: roles in disease etiology and detection
Speaker:Ayuko Hoshino
(Department of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
推しポイント! 最近よく聞くリキッドバイオプシー。使用するのはDNA?RNA?エクソソーム?リキッドバイオプシーの過去、現在、未来をエキスパートが幅広く紹介します。微小・低侵襲・高精度なリキッドバイオプシーで、明日の医療を切り開け!
Current status and future of regenerative medicineApril 20 (Thu.),14:20~15:50

Current status and future perspective of cancer immunotherapy using allogeneic iPS cell-derived NKT cells
Speaker:Shinichiro Motohashi
(Department of Medical Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University)

Regenerative medicine for spinal cord injury using iPS cells
Speaker:Masaya Nakamura
(Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine)

Current status and future of germ cell regeneration and in vitro spermatogenesis
Speaker:Takehiko Ogawa
(Department of Regenerative Medicine, Yokohama City University School of Medicine)

Kidney Regeneration: Present and Future
Speaker:Ryuichi Nishinakamura
(Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Kumamoto University)
推しポイント! あなたの隣の参加者は、精子誘導により誕生し、事故による脊髄・腎損傷から神経・腎臓再生により回復、そして今は癌特異的免疫細胞による抗がん剤治療中・・・なんてことがあるかもしれません。そんな近未来に出会えるセッションです。
Technologies to visualize diseaseApril 20 (Thu.),14:20~15:50

Visualising Treatment with PSMA Radioligand Therapy: the latest treatment for metastatic prostate cancer
Speaker:Michael S. Hofman
(Molecular Imaging and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, Cancer Imaging, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia)

Cancer detection and evaluation of therapeutic response by DWIBS method (whole body MRI)
Speaker:Taro Takahara
(Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tokai University School of Engineering)

Optical biopsy and histopathology revolutionizing cancer diagnosis
Speaker:Masaru Ishii
(Department of Immunology and Cell Biology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Whole-body/organ Imaging with Single-cell Resolution for Mammalian Synthetic Biology
Speaker:Katsuhiko Matsumoto
(Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo/RIKEN (BDR))
推しポイント! ここまで病気が見えてしまっても驚くなかれ。今まで見えなかったものが見えてくると、診断法や治療法の正確性、迅速性、侵襲性が劇的に変わります。あなたは見なくても大丈夫?この新時代の幕開けに乗り遅れるな!
Scrap and Build: Creation from the Old
Accomplishments in genomic medicine: Can we understand and overcome disease?April 20 (Thu.),14:20~15:50

Cancer genome analysis based on Biobank Japan
Speaker:Koichi Matsuda
(Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo)

Molecular archeology of cancer
Speaker:Peter Van Loo
(Department of Genetics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA)

Statistical genetics, disease biology, drug discovery, and personalized medicine
Speaker:Yukinori Okada
(Department of Statistical Genetics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Genetic testing in reproductive medicine
Speaker:Tadashi Kimura
(Department of Gynecology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
推しポイント! あらゆる生命の設計図を元にしたゲノム医療は新展開を迎えています。やがて訪れるゲノム革命に乗り遅れぬよう、劇的に変化する世界の潮流を目の当たりにして下さい!
Molecular changes in precancerous normal tissuesApril 21 (Fri.),10:10~11:40

Origin and life history of breast cancer
Speaker:Seishi Ogawa
(Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)

Inflammatory signaling in prostate cancer: IL1β production by infiltrating myeloid cells promotes local invasion
Speaker:Charles L. Sawyers
(Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA)

Towards Precision Urologic Pathology: Omics, Digital and AI
Speaker:George J. Netto
(Department of Pathology, Heersink School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)

Development of anti-aging therapies targeting senescent cells
Speaker:Makoto Nakanishi
(Division of Cancer Cell Biology, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)
推しポイント! 我々が対峙する「病気」が出現する以前に細胞レベルでは様々な変化が起きています。このセッションではそんな変化が病気につながるメカニズム、治療方法についての最新知見をご紹介します。はじめよう「未病対策」。
Driving digital transformation in healthcareApril 21 (Fri.),10:10~11:40

National Clinical Database in the Japanese Urological Association
Speaker:Toshiyuki Kamoto
(Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine University of Miyazaki/NCD Management Committee, Japanese Urological Association)

Real-world data collection and utilization based on CyberPlatform
Speaker:Manabu Muto
(Department of Therapeutic Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)

OCR net -Supporting Multicenter Clinical Research as a Clinical Research Core Hospital-
Speaker:Toshihiro Takeda
(Department of Integrated Medicine, Medical Informatics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Measures of the MHLW in Data Health Reform
Speaker:Akiko Tanaka
(Office of Counsellor for Assistance for Development of Specified Drugs and Medical Information Management, Health Policy Bureau, Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare)
推しポイント! コンビニでもDX。家電でもDX。なんでもかんでもDXの時代に、医療分野がDXに遅れてる?なんてことはありません。DXって何?というところからDXがこんなところまで!!を学んで、医療のDXを語れるようになれる今まさに旬のプログラムです。
Recent advances in understanding the human systemic microbiomeApril 21 (Fri.),10:10~11:40

Intestinal macrophages niches and microbiota
Speaker:Shinichiro Sawa
(Division of Mucosal Immunology, Research Center for Systems Immunology, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University)

The Reproductive Microbiome in Male Infertility and Men's Health
Speaker:Scott D. Lundy
(Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA)

Senescence in cancer and myeloid cells control prostate cancer progression
Speaker:Andrea Alimonti
(Institute of Oncology Research, Switzerland/Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland/University of Italian Switzerland, Switzerland/University of Padova, Italy)

Large-scale Japanese metagenomic data uncovers effects of drug administration on the gut microbiome
Speaker:Naoyoshi Nagata
(Department of Gastroenterological Endoscopy, Tokyo Medical University)
推しポイント! 私たちの体内にいる100兆もの細菌たち。彼らは敵か?それとも味方か?孫子曰く、彼を知り己を知れば百戦あやうからず。本セッションで細菌を知り細菌を知れば百歳あやうからず!
Advances in epigenetics in urological researchApril 22 (Sat.),10:15~11:45

Glycosylation in health and disease: The emerging field of Glycomedicine and its impact in urology and nephrology
Speaker:Jan Novak
(Department of Microbiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)

Glycoscience is a promising target for novel cancer medicine
Speaker:Eiji Miyoshi
(Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Clinical Investigation, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Cell-type specific roles of miR-21 in the prostate tumor microenvironment
Speaker:Shawn E. Lupold
(Urology and Oncology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA)

Investigation of human sperm chromatin structure and its heterogeneity by NGS analyses
Speaker:Yuki Okada
(Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, The University of Tokyo)
推しポイント! 遺伝子が同じでも病気になったりならなかったりするのは何故だろう?その疑問を解明する手掛かりが“エピゲノム”なんです!遺伝子の量を調整したり糖鎖で飾り付けたり。とても不思議なエピゲノムの世界をあなたもぜひ感じてみませんか!?
Cross Innovation: New Developments Created by Industry–Academia–Government Collaboration
How to make the best use of AI for leading medical care approaches?April 20 (Thu.),10:40~12:10

Predicting Disease Prognosis Using Machine Learning
Speaker:Eiryo Kawakami
(Advanced Data Science Project, R-IH, RIKEN)

AI and Cancer Research
Speaker:Satoru Miyano
(M&D Data Science Center, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

DX drives the innovation in drug development
Speaker:Yasushi Okuno
(Department of Biomedical Data Intelligence, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)

Building an innovative AI platform to accelerate the discovery of new drug targets from data mining approaches
Speaker:Yoichi Kurebayashi
(Department of AI and Digital Health Sciences, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)
推しポイント! 泌尿器科の未来はAIとともに!最新技術で進化する医療に迫る!今やAI技術が医療に革命をもたらす時代です。時代に取り残されたくない貴方へ、エキスパートがAIを駆使した医療の最前線と未来を解説します。
Creation of novel medical care approaches by integrating existing technologiesApril 21 (Fri.),10:10~11:40

Machine Learning and Application of Genomic Pathology Information
Speaker:Shumpei Ishikawa
(Department of Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo/Division of Pathology, Exploratory Oncology Research & Clinical Trial Center, National Cancer Center)

Development of novel therapeutic technology for MRI-visible prostate cancer lesion
Speaker:Osamu Ukimura
(Department of Urology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)

Hypo- and normothermic ex vivo kidney perfusion for the storage, assessment, and repair of marginal grafts- How far have we come and where do we go next?
Speaker:Markus Selzner
(General Surgery, University of Toronto, Canada)

Standardization of Robot-Assisted Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection Based on Cross-Disciplinary Discussions
Speaker:Ichiro Takemasa
(Department of Surgery, Surgical Oncology and Science, Sapporo Medical University)
推しポイント! 既存技術の応用でスマートフォンは誕生した。そしてロボット手術が誕生した。さあ次は何が誕生するのか。医療における既存技術の応用によって見えてくる医療の未来について議論しましょう。
Development of medical engineering technology for medicine in the futureApril 22 (Sat.),10:15~11:45

Integration of VR/AR and medical technology
Speaker:Hiroshi Oyama
(Department of Clinical Information Engineering, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

Introduction of excretion prediction device "DFree"
Speaker:Atsushi Nakanishi
(Triple W Japan Inc.)

The current status and future prospects of pig kidney xenotransplantation - from the dining table to the operating table
Speaker:Hidetaka Hara
(College of Veterinary Medicine, Yunnan Agricultural University, China)

Elucidation of urinary stone growth mechanism by the multidisciplinary collaborative project of medicine, crystal engineering, petrology and mineralogy
Speaker:Yusuke Mori
(Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University)
推しポイント! 日本がここまで発展してきたうえで誇るべきは何でしょうか? 細やかなモノづくりに代表される工学ではないでしょうか。“日本発”最先端の事例を紹介し、これからの皆様のアイデア創出をお手伝いします。頑張れ"Made in Japan"
Collaborations among industry, academia, and government in the medical fieldApril 22 (Sat.),10:15~11:45

Looking back on the path to identification of the drug target through industry-academia-government collaboration
Speaker:Takayuki Kanazawa
(Clinical Research Department, Shionogi & Co., Ltd.)

Endoscope as an intravascular imaging modality
Speaker:Keita Okayama
(Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics)

Collaborations between industry, academia and government in the medical field-Role of ARO (Academic Research Organization)-
Speaker:Yasutomo Nasu
(Okayama University)

The actuality of new medical technology developments from the views of regulation systems
Speaker:Reiko Anahara
(Office of Medical Devices II, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency)
推しポイント! “10年先に自分で開発・関与した治療法が臨床現場に役立つ”ことを目指しませんか?このセッションでは、治療開発を行っている研究に関与する様々な方面からの先生の経験を紹介します。ベンチャー社長も夢じゃない?!
- Notes for pediatric urological diseases
- Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), the most common non-communicable disease (NCD) in women: current status, challenges, and future measures
- Pitfalls in the field of female urology: urethral stricture and diverticulum
- Interstitial cystitis: treatment selection based on pathophysiology
- You heard it here first! Manual for sexually transmitted diseases: rapid increase in multidrug-resistant bacteria and syphilis
- Pyeloplasty in robotic era
- Key to the success of laparoscopic surgery for the vesicoureteral reflux
- Extended surgery for GU cancers: multidisciplinary collaboration
- Personalized medicine with companion diagnostics in GU cancers: current status and future perspectives
- Onco-nephrology and onco-cardiology in GU cancer treatment
- Current standard of the pathological diagnosis for prostate cancer
- How to avoid over-staging and over-treatment of prostate cancer?
- Treatment strategy for clinically localized high-risk prostate cancer
- Treatment strategy for high-risk NMIBC
- Current treatment strategy for advanced urothelial cancer
- Role of cytoreductive nephrectomy and local therapy for metastatic sites in the I-O era
- New insights of non-clear cell RCC: from the bench to the bed
- Gap between patients and physicians in successful GU cancer treatment
- Basics of renal replacement therapy for urologists
- Points for managing post-transplant renal failure and transitioning to the next renal replacement therapy
- Preoperative evaluation and postoperative risk management of kidney transplant donors
- What can the latest guidelines do to facilitate shared decision-making (SDM) in stone management?
- Basic research paves the way for urinary stone management
- First penguin and scrap and build in endourological stone surgery
- JAID/JSC guidelines to treat urinary tract infections 2022: messages from the working group
- Essence of guidelines for prevention of perioperative infections in urology 2023
- Symbiosis with LSC and RSC based on the new guidelines
- Practical transvaginal surgical techniques for pelvic floor repair that urologists should master
- Advances in the treatment of late-onset hypogonadism
- Medical treatment for male infertility covered by medical insurance
- Treatment options for erectile dysfunction other than PDE5 inhibitors
- Overview and future prospects of the diagnosis and treatment of adrenal tumors: reconsidering the role of urologists
- Treatment of urological diseases in elderly patients with frailty
- New endoscopic and minimally invasive therapies for benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Insight into the nature of urodynamics: understanding what urodynamics can illuminate
- Approach for lower urinary tract dysfunction based on clinical cases
- JUA guidelines on urological trauma
- Managements of iatrogenic urethral injury and stricture
- Innovations in the field of surgical robots
- Standardization of pelvic lymph node dissection in the era of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries: consensus and know-how of rectal, gynecologic, and urologic surgeons
- Current status and prospects of endoscopic surgical skill qualification system: vision from urology and other fields
- 諦めないで保険収載 ―新規技術の保険収載と既存手技の改定―
- From basic to translational and clinical research (position of basic research in the urology career path)
- Rising stars talk about their journey to publication!
- Upcoming basic research focus (cancer, regeneration, urination, and genome-related research)
- Time to think about preparing for complications. What was happening at the urology clinic and dialysis hospital at the time? How were they rebuilt?
- Treatment and prognosis of testicular diseases in children
- Adverse events caused by the current medical treatment of GU cancers and how to manage them
- Medical countermeasures against antimicrobial resistance: Will this do?
- Fertility preservation of male cancer survivors
- Retroperitoneal sarcoma: update of the diagnosis and treatment
- Updated robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: optimization of surgical indications and techniques to achieve better surgical outcomes, including cancer control, safety, and kidney functional preservation
- Feasibility of robot-assisted surgery for kidney cancer, upper urothelial tumor, and adrenal tumor
- Urinary diversion after robot-assisted radical cystectomy: ingenuity and updates to avoid complications
- Financial toxicity in the GU cancer treatment
- Advanced testicular cancer: case discussion from the Testicular Cancer Forum
- How to manage complications of endoscopic surgery for urinary stones
- To pursue a better balance between functional and oncological outcomes in robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: techniques, strategies, and mid-term outcomes
- Treatment of T1 RCC: RAPN, ablative techniques, or active surveillance?
- Management of recurrent pelvic organ prolapse
- Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: pharmacotherapy vs. novel minimally invasive therapies

Speaker:Ashok Agarwal
(American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Global Andrology Forum, USA)

Molecular biomarkers to guide active surveillance for prostate cancer: The promise and the perils
Speaker:David M. Berman
(Pathology & Molecular Medicine, Queen's University, Canada)

Mortality and cardiac outcomes of primary aldosteronism post targeted therapy-real-world TAIPAI experience
Speaker:Jeff Chueh
(National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan)

PDD, NBI and IMAGE1 S for NMIBC - For whom and when?
Speaker:Jean de la Rosette
(Urology, Istanbul Medipol University/Vice President, Société Internationale d’ Urologie, Turkey)

Radiation Hazards in Endourology
Lasers for Intracorporeal Lithotripsy
Speaker:John D. Denstedt
(Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario/Secretary, American Urological Association, Canada)

Individualised treatment for men with LUTS: The new challenge
Speaker:Stavros Gravas
(University of Cyprus/General Secretary, Société Internationale d’ Urologie, Cyprus)

Radical Prostatectomy Without Prior Biopsy Following Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Prostate-specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography
Speaker:Jürgen E. Gschwend
(Department of Urology, Technical University of Munich, School of Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich, Germany)

PSMA PET-CT : Lessons from A Year’s Experience
Speaker:Jun Hyuk Hong
(Department of Urology, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center/President, Korean Urological Association, Korea)

Bladder preserving treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Speaker:Byong Chang Jeong
(Urology, Samsung Medical Center/Urology, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea)

Extraperitoneal Robotic Radical Prostatectomy using the da Vinci SP
Single port robotic surgery using the da Vinci SP in various urologic procedures
Speaker:Kwang Hyun Kim
(Urology, Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Korea)

What is the role of metastasectomy during the treatment of advanced renal cancer ?
Speaker:Markus A. Kuczyk
(Department of Urology, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany)

A deep dive in liquid biopsies for non-invasive prostate cancer markers
Speaker:Jun Luo
(Urology, Johns Hopkins
University, USA)

Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate using Moses technology: A new gold standard for AEEP (Anatomic endoscopic enucleation of the Prostate)
Speaker:T Manohar
(Urology, Urooncology and kidney transplantation, Apollo Institute of Renal Sciences, India)

Biological and clinical implications of molecular subtype plasticity in bladder cancer
Speaker:David J. McConkey
(Johns Hopkins Greenberg Bladder Cancer Institute, Brady Urological Institute, USA)

Strategies for Clinical Management of Advanced Urothelial Cancer: A Focus on Antibody Drug Conjugates from a U.S. Physician Experience
Speaker:Peter H. O'Donnell
(Section of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago, USA)

The challenges of prostate cancer screening in an Asian country
Speaker:Teng Aik Ong
(Department of Surgery, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)

Identification of Aggressive Phenotype of Urothelial Carcinoma: from Bench to Clinic
Speaker:See-Tong Pang
(Cheng Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou/President, Taiwan Urological Association, Taiwan)

Challenges and privileges of congenital reconstructive urology
Speaker:John M. Park
(Department of Urology, University of Michigan Medical School, USA)

Current and future biomarkers that affect the treatment of newly diagnosed PCa patients
The era of PSMA-PET is upon us: how is it changing the treatment landscape for localized disease?
How PSMA-PET is changing the definition of biochemical recurrence (BCR) and the approaches to treatment of patients with BCR
Speaker:Kenneth J. Pienta
(The James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, USA)

Selection of T cell receptors and antigenic targets for adoptive cancer-specific T cell therapy
Speaker:Hans Schreiber
(Department of Pathology/David and Etta Jonas Center for Cellular Therapy/Committees on Cancer Biology and Immunology and the Cancer Center, The University of Chicago, USA)

Robotics in Pediatric Urology: What can we do today?
Vesicoureteral Reflux and UTI's: Is an evidence based approach possible?
Speaker:Aseem R. Shukla
(Department of Urology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania/Assistant Secretary, American Urological Association, USA)

Applying the Spirit of the First Penguin to Tailor Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer Therapy
Speaker:Christopher J. Sweeney
(South Australian Immunogenomics Cancer Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia)