Notice Regarding the Revised Meeting Format of the 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
The 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology was originally rescheduled to be held as a hybrid on-site/online conference from Monday, September 28th to Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 and, in the event that the event could not be held on-site, the meeting was to be held entirely online. The final decision regarding the format of the meeting was to be made by the end of August, but considering the current infection rate of the novel coronavirus COVID 19 and after deliberate discussions amongst the organizing committee, we have made a decision in advance to move the conference entirely online. We extend our sincere apologies to all doctors and professionals who were preparing for a locally held meeting, and thank you for your kind understanding of the situation.
In line with our prior announcement, speakers from designated lectures were to have the option of holding an interactive lecture over ZOOM in addition to uploading their PowerPoint presentations with accompanying vocal recording for on-demand streaming, while general presenters and other speakers would provide their PowerPoint and recorded vocal data for on-demand streaming only. However, the feedback we received, particularly from the symposium coordinators and speakers, indicated that in the case of an online meeting, on-demand streaming would pose difficult for symposiums as there would be no opportunity for discussion.
In a last-minute survey distributed by symposium coordinators, around 96% of responders indicated they would like to expand the use of ZOOM applications for all presentations. Taking into account these results as well as the opinions of professionals, the organizing committee investigated the expansion of this application, but found that the original 2-3 necessary conference halls would become almost 18 in order to accommodate all lectures in interactive format. Though this number of halls simultaneously streaming interactive broadcasts would pose a risk of instability, we still intend to take into account the feedback and comments received. As a result, we have decided to take the following actions:
Designated Lectures will be broadcast on-demand using PowerPoint and audio from September 28th to October 31st IN ADDITION TO an interactive ZOOM broadcast during the session period.
- Designated Lectures refers to chairperson lectures, special lectures, educational lectures,Ask the Pioneers, public lectures, and chairperson-planned symposiums.
- Interactive Lectures refers to presentations held during their scheduled session times, using the ZOOM chat function to receive and answer questions for the successive Q&A session.
- Presenters should upload their PowerPoint presentation data with attached audio in advance to the designated server for distribution. Registered participants will be able to view the presentations freely through a link at any time. No visit to the venue is necessary.
Presentations Excluding Poster Sessions and Designated Lectures In addition to on-demand streaming of PowerPoints with accompanying presentation audio from September 28th to October 31st, pre-registered lecture data will be broadcast in line with the program during the conference. For symposiums and workshops, any remaining time may be used for Q&A at the discretion of the chairperson and request of the presenter. General oral sessions will have up to a 4-minute Q&A session at the discretion of the chair. In both cases, Q&A will be conducted over ZOOM chat following the broadcast during which time the viewers may ask questions and the chair will decide the response.
- Format intended for symposiums, workshops, and general oral sessions.
- Poster Sessions PowerPoints with accompanying presentation audio will be available for on-demand streaming only, viewable from September 28th to October 31st.
While we will do our best to mitigate issues that may arise for option number 2, please keep in mind that there are higher risks involved with this method and conducting a presentation in the same manner as an in-person presentation may not be possible. In addition, it is imperative that all parties stay punctual to the allotted Q&A time, as we are unable to provide any time extensions. To further avoid issues, please understand that we are unable to accept updated slides or audio after the original data is submitted.
While we fervently believe that free and open discussion is a cornerstone of the academic conference through enhancement of creativity and its significance, technological and budgetary constraints have limited our expansion of ZOOM to the poster sessions. We apologize to the presenters and chairpersons for any inconvenience this may cause.
Additionally, participation to the meeting will be limited to registered members at this time. Exceptions will be made for non-member presenters, early clinical residents approved by the chair, medical students with valid student ID numbers and ‘iseki’ or ID from the register of licensed doctors, and families of non-member presenters.
●CME Credits
- A)All PowerPoint and audio data from presentations and lectures, including poster sessions, will be streamed on-demand and viewable from September 28th to October 31st. A maximum of 20 CME credits may be awarded depending on viewing time. eLearning questions will not be available.
- B)In addition to the above, Designated Lectures and Presentations Excluding Poster Sessions are scheduled to be broadcast online during the scheduled session. Each session and subsequent discussion time will be available for viewing, and credits may be awarded based on viewing time of these lectures, presentations, and sessions.
We apologize for the modifications made in response to the infection rate of COVID-19 and any related inconvenience that may have been caused, and thank you for your kind understanding in light of the current situation. During this time, we empathize with the stress and uncertainty that you may be facing not only in your daily life but in education, research, and in medical care. We will continue to prepare to the fullest and offer our deepest gratitude for your continuous support of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology.
Warmest Regards,
Hirooki Yabe
The 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
July 21, 2020

What's New
Program page has been updated.
For Speakers page has been updated.
Notice Regarding the Revised Meeting Format
Pre-registration for attendance is rescheduled to start in early August due to the postponement of the meeting.
Registration for attendance is scheduled to start in early April.
Call for Papers page has been updated.
Message from the President page has been updated.
General Information, Access to Venue and Sightseeing pages have been updated.
Website is opened.
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