Welcome Message
President Greetings

Kagayaki Kuroda, PhD
Chair, ASMRM 2021 and JSMRM 2021
President, ASMRM
President, JSMRM
(Department of Human and Information Science,
School of Information Science and Technology, Tokai University)
Dear Distinguished Professors and Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Asian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ASMRM 2021) will be held jointly with the 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (JSMRM 2021) at PACIFICO Yokohama North, Japan.
As a successor of Professor Yeon Hyeon Choe (the second president and congress chair of ASMRM), Professor Fuhua Yan (the first president), and Professors Jinglian Cheng and Min Chen (the first congress chairs), I’ve taken over the responsibility of presidency and congress chair of ASMRM. The presence of ASMRM is a testament to the spectacular rise of medical care and research in Asian countries, and holding the 3rd meeting together will contribute to the further development of clinical practice and research in the field of Magnetic Resonance.
Over the past 40 years, there have been numerous changes in magnetic resonance in medicine, from the early days when human imaging at last became possible to the present day with the latest technologies. The nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon will, nonetheless, stay with us forever and will continue to shine as the wisdom of humankind as we attain more and more technological innovation. With this in mind, I settled on the “Eternal Brilliance of MR” theme for the meeting.
The impact of COVID-19 on humankind has been tremendous, but ironically, it has also resulted in a remarkable expansion of information technology. There has also been a major shift in the approach to holding conferences, and I believe we have already reached a point where, rather than taking measures to deal with infection, we optimize the way conferences are held. In line with this idea, while the core of the conference, namely exchanging research information and engaging in discussion, will be based on a face-to-face platform, we will also provide an online platform in parallel to facilitate those participants who are unable to attend the conference in person due to clinical work or travel difficulties. Furthermore, given that educational lectures are better understood by repeatedly watching them, I anticipate that these will be offered on-demand. Such a multi-platform conference will encourage efficient participation while preserving the essence of the conference.
In this context, we are currently diligently preparing for the joint conference to make it a truly constructive experience for all. I’m look forward to seeing all of you at the conference.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the companies supporting the annual meeting and to everyone in Program Committee, Organizing Committee as well as Society and Congress Secretariat for their efforts in organizing the annual meeting.
December 2020
Vice President Greetings

Tetsu Niwa, M.D., Ph.D.
Co-Chair, ASMRM 2021 and JSMRM 2021
(Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Tokai University)
It is a great honor to serve as the Co-Chair of this historic annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (JSMRM).
I’m very excited about this year’s JSMRM, an annual gathering of people from many different occupations in magnetic resonance, which will be an indispensable opportunity to present and discuss novel technologies from various perspectives. I see this annual meeting as a valuable chance to teach and learn from each other from our respective areas of expertise, to allow a wide-range of cultures can interact, and to witness the merge of new ideas and technologies. This year’s meeting will be jointly held with the ASMRM. I feel anticipation and take delight in magnetic resonance in medicine gaining momentum in the Asian region.
Although restricted by COVID-19 measures, I look forward to meeting you all in Yokohama. And for those who will be unable to attend in person, we will continue to make preparations to make this a meaningful conference via online platforms.
December 2020