Organizing Committee Office

Division of Gastroenterology,
Department of Medicine,
Kurume University
School of Medicine

67 Asahi-machi, Kurume
830-0011, JAPAN

Conference Secretariat

c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.

Daisan Hakata Kaisei Bldg.,
1-3-6, Hakata-eki-minami,
Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi,
Fukuoka, 812-0016, Japan
TEL: +81-92-437-4188
FAX: +81-92-437-4182

Invited Speaker Center

Invited Speaker Center

This page is for speakers of the following programs.

  • Invited LectureⅠ, Ⅱ
  • SessionⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ
  • SymposiumⅠ, Ⅱ
  • WorkshopⅠ, Ⅱ


June 25(Fri), 2021:Deadline for the abstract submission

July 26(Mon), 2021:Deadline for the pre-recorded video submission

August, 2021: Confirmation of the speakers pre-recorded video by the chair.
Video submission of the comments and questions by the chair.

August ~ Early September, 2021:Video submission of the answer for questions by the speaker.

Abstract submission

Submission Deadline: June 25(Fri), 2021

Submission destination: Secretariat of JSH International Liver Conference 2021


■ About the abstract submission form

  • Title of abstract: 30 words maximum
  • Abstract body (excluding title, authors, and their institutions): 400 words maximum
    Tables and graphs should not be included in the abstract.
    References can be included in the body of the text.
  • Your photo
  • Your brief CV: 300 words maximum
  • COI (Conflict of interest)

Presenting authors must state any conflict of interest (COI status). The conflict of interest policy applies not only to clinical research, but also to all medical studies including bioscience research, basic medical research, and clinical trials.

If you are required to declare a COI when registering your abstract, please download the below Presenter's COI Disclosure Statement and submit it with the abstract submission form.
Presenter's COI Disclosure Statement

Pre-recorded video submission (International speakers only)

Submission Deadline: July 26(Mon), 2021

Please set the file name of the upload file as follows.

Speaker: When posting your presentation video.

”Role_Session name_Your name_Posted date”
Example: Speaker_Session Ⅰ_Taro Yamada_0701

Chair: When posting a comments and questions video to a speaker.

”Role_Session name_Your name→Speaker name_Posted date”
Example: Chair _Session Ⅰ_Hanako Suzuki→ Taro Yamada _0702

Speaker: When posting a answer video to a chair.

”Role_Session name_Your name→Chair name_Posted date”
Example: Speaker_Session Ⅰ_Taro Yamada→ Hanako Suzuki _0703

Please upload from the button below.

■ How to prepare for recorded presentation