The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association

Travel Grant

Travel Grant (for Asian countries)

The Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) and the Organizing Committee of the 84th Annual Meeting of the JCA will be offering the following grant to participants who will be attending and presenting on-site at the venue of the 84th Annual Meeting of the JCA in Kanazawa, Japan. This grant is intended to subsidize part of the cost of attending the meeting and is only available to those participants whose abstracts are accepted for presentation. In addition to the cash amount set out below, the grant also includes accommodation costs (up to 4 nights at a designated hotel* from September 24–27), which will be covered by the Organizing Committee.
In the event that the recipient of the grant is unable to attend the 84th Annual Meeting of the JCA for any reason, the privilege will not be carried over to the 85th Annual Meeting of the JCA.

  • Please note that the Organizing Committee will book your accommodation.
Grant Amount JPY 50,000 in cash

Name of Grant

C-FINDs Travel Award (Contributed by C-FINDs)
JCA Travel Award


  1. The applicant must be the first author of the submitted abstract and must present the paper at the 84th Annual Meeting of the JCA.
  2. The applicant must be 45 years of age or younger at the time of the abstract submission deadline.
  3. The applicant must be a non-Japanese national traveling from outside of Japan to attend. (Foreign nationals residing in Japan and Japanese nationals residing abroad are not eligible.)

Application and Selection Process

Award (grant) recipients will be selected at the discretion of the Program Committee based on the novelty, quality, and significance of the abstract submitted.

Travel Grant Application Procedure

Step 1: Abstract and CV submission

For details on abstract submission, please click here.
Please note that you may only submit one abstract as the first author for this meeting.
Please select the “Application for Travel Grant” check box on the abstract submission screen and proceed to enter the required information and CV details, including a list of publications for the last 5 years.

Step 2: Registration

Online registration is mandatory for Travel Grant applications.
Please complete the online registration process within the early registration period.
The registration fee is non-refundable.
If you do not complete the online registration by the deadline, your application for the Travel Grant will be automatically withdrawn (no exceptions).


Award (grant) recipients will receive an e-mail notification with detailed information by the end of July. Funds will be provided to the award (grant) recipients at the conference venue.