Call for Abstract
Submission Deadline
Session | Deadline |
Special Symposia Symposia Symposia on Specific Tumors International Sessions For more details |
April 8, 2025 JST* 12:00 pm |
Oral Sessions Poster Presentations |
April 8, 2025 JST* 12:00 pm |
*JST; Japan Standard Time
Oral presenters and poster presenters are required to make their presentations at the local venue in Kanazawa, regardless of whether they are in Japan or overseas. Please be aware of this before applying.
Abstracts can only be submitted online through this congress website.
Submitted abstracts should be prepared by following the instruction below. Please read carefully and submit it from the ‘New Submission’ button at the very bottom of this page.
JCA2025 and the secretariat do not correspond on the reasons of acceptance/rejection of an abstract.
Browser requirements
- The system is operational on Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
- Your e-mail address is required for online abstract submission. Please make sure your e-mail address is valid so that we may contact you.
- Confirmations and notifications of acceptance/rejection will be e-mailed to the registered address by the end of July.
Before submitting abstract
- You are permitted to submit only one abstract as the first author for this meeting.
- Submitted abstracts will not be edited or proof-read before printing. The first presenting author is responsible for the accuracy of the abstract.
- After the deadline for abstract submission, changes related to abstracts cannot be made. Please make sure all the information (including co-author's name) is correctly registered before the deadline.
- Before you submit an abstract, we strongly recommend you to write your own abstract with other text files in advance and copy & paste the text, instead of writing the abstract directly on the submission page.
Instructions for Authors
Please read the following instructions before submitting an abstract.
Presenting Author/Lead Presenter (Required)
- An applicant cannot submit more than one paper for Oral sessions or Poster Presentations as a lead presenter.
- An applicant cannot submit more than one paper for Symposia, Symposia on Specific Tumors, Special Program, International Sessions, Oral sessions or Poster Presentations as a lead presenter.
- Fill in the first name and last/surname separately and only the first letter of each name is to be capitalized.
Institutions (Required)
Up to 15 institutions can be registered. Please refer to the “Abbreviated for affiliated institutions” list.
Please do not exceed 10 words.
JCA Membership Number
Those who reside outside of Japan and do not have Japanese citizenship may submit an abstract without becoming a member.
If not, please apply for membership.
Up to 15 co-authors can be registered.
Fill in the first name and last/surname separately and only the first letter of each name is to be capitalized.
Presentation Style (Required)
Please select your desired presentation style.
The final decisions on your presentation style will be made by the Organizing Committee.
Please note that you may be assigned to present in Poster style even when you choose Oral style.
Application for Special Symposia, Symposia, Symposia on Specific Tumors or International Sessions
If you apply for the Special Symposia, Symposia, Symposia on Specific Tumors or International Sessions, please select a preferred session title from the list.
Abstract category (Required)
Please select categories for your abstract from the list.
Please check out the details below.
Encore Abstract
When you submit an encore abstract*, please keep to the following points in mind.
- Please make it clear in your abstract that this is an encore submission.
- If there is an issue regarding copyright, it is the responsibility of the presenter to obtain permission.
If the copyright holder is a society or a publisher, it should be noted at the end of the abstract with the bibliographic and other information of the original abstract that it has been published with permission.
- Making a presentation in Japan that is similar or identical to one which has already been presented outside of Japan.
JCA Young Researcher Poster Award
The “JCA Young Researcher Poster Award” is an award for posters presented by a young researcher as the presenting author.
Abstracts that are applied for poster sessions are subject to review.
- Eligibility
The presenting author must be an undergraduate or graduate student as of April 1, 2025. No age limits.
Travel Grant
Please check out the details from here.
Title (Required)
The length of the title must be no more than 120 characters including spaces.
Abstract (Required)
The length of the abstract body must be no more than 1,200 characters including spaces.
Place the first letter on the left end without a space.
Please do not insert any tables or figures in the text box as they cannot be uploaded.
Keyword (Required)
Please select up to 2 keywords.
If corresponding keywords are not listed, please enter the appropriate one in “Keyword 3” and “0000” in the required field.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Required)
Declaration of COI is mandatory for the Lead presenter and the Responsible researcher, whose declaration is also required unless the Lead presenter themself is the Responsible researcher.
The Lead presenter and the Responsible researcher (when necessary) are required to disclose any financial relationship with companies and/or organizations related to themselfs in the past 3 years prior to the registration.
If the Lead presenter is not the Responsible researcher, please provide the details by filling out the form.
Others (Required)
- Please check the box to agree that the copyright of the abstract belongs to the Japanese Cancer Association. If you do not agree, you will not be able to submit your abstract.
- At the 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, presentations will be posted on the official X, formerly Twitter,/Facebook and may be photographed for personal social media usage. Please clearly mark “DO NOT POST” on the slides and posters that you do not wish to be photographed or distributed. If not marked, please note that it may be posted in the social media.
- After closing of the meeting, the contents of the meeting will be streamed on-demand on the viewing site of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Japan Cancer Association. If you wish to decline on-demand streaming, please contact the organizing secretariat ( at the latest, 5 days after your presentation. If no particular request is made, as agreed when registering your abstract, we will stream your presentation on-demand.
Password (Required)
Create your password to view/update your abstract. Password is case sensitive and must be between 6 and 8 characters long.
You can confirm and correct your abstract at any time until the submission deadline with your submission number (given at the time of abstract submission) and password.
In order to prevent a third party from reading and misusing your information, we are unable to respond to inquiries about your password. If you forget them, you are requested to submit the abstract again.
A confirmation email will be sent to your contact email address immediately after registration is complete. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check that you have entered your contact email address correctly.
Those who do not receive a confirmation email
If you do not receive the confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact us.
Please note that we do not take responsibility or liability for if you leave your registration email unconfirmed.
Use of Special Characters
Please refrain from using characters such as α, β, γ as symbols (1-byte character), since they are automatically transformed into a, b, c, etc. Please make sure to use HTML tags.
In the title and main text of the abstract, superscript, subscript, italic face, bold face, and underline can be used provided the following html tags are inserted. Tags for superscript, subscript, italic face, bold face, underline, or line feed are, in order:<SUP> </SUP>, <SUB> </SUB>, <I> </I>,
<B> </B> , <U> </U> , and <BR>. They must be written in 1-byte characters. Please refer to the registration page for more details.
- More Special Characters
Character Modification | Character Modification | Character Modification |
Superscript | Na <SUP> + </SUP> | Na+ |
Subscript | H <SUB> 2 </SUB> O | H2O |
Italic Type | <I> fos </I> | fos |
Bold | <B>bold</B> | bold |
Underline | <U>underline</U> | underline |
New line | First paragraph <BR> Second paragraph | First paragraph Second paragraph |
Abstract Submission
To submit your abstract, click the ‘New Abstract Submission’. Click ‘View/Edit/Delete’ and enter your submission number and the password when needed after the submission.
Some computer systems may result in unsuccessful submissions due to incompatibility.
It is the submitter’s responsibility to follow the above instructions for successful submission.
The registered personal information will only be used for the purpose of preparing for the 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association. The personal information registered will be strictly managed with the necessary security measures.
Regarding the acceptance/rejection of an abstract
The acceptance or rejection of an abstract is at the discretion of the chairperson. Reasons for rejection will not be disclosed. Notification of acceptance or rejection is scheduled to be announced in July.