

Special Event/特別企画日本語
創薬シーズ大集合 Symposium on Drug Seed Discovery








  • 座長
  • 都賀 稚香国立がん研究センター研究所

    天野 慎介一般社団法人全国がん患者団体連合会

    吉田 卓アステラス製薬 イムノオンコロジー

Special Symposia/特別シンポジウム英語
Hereditary tumor syndromes and genetic counseling in the era of cancer genomic medicine

Hereditary tumor syndromes (HTS) are also entering a new era, both in their clinical management and research, ushered mainly by the high-throughput sequencing technologies and various informational resources. Multi-gene panels have been offered increasingly in oncology clinical practice, and whole-genome analyses for cancer and intractable diseases are underway as a national project. Genetic counseling is a core of every aspect of clinical care of HTS, from diagnosis and treatment to prevention, and approach to at-risk relatives. Genetic counseling is also required to be updated and ready for the New Era with comprehensive germline genomic profiling. Even if we focus our attention on genetic diagnosis, the emerging impacts will be at least three-fold: 1) expansion of the landscape of genetic predisposition to cancer to encompass moderate risk variants, modifiers and polygenic influences, 2) increasing chance to encounter secondary findings, including non-neoplastic diseases and 3) paucity of data on genotype-phenotype relationships for variants detected in the absence of classical HTS phenotypes. The New Era demands multidisciplinary collaborations beyond the current level, and the Symposium has been organized as a joint session by 3 societies, The Japan Society of Human Genetics, The Japanese Society for Genetic Counseling and The Japanese Cancer Association. We expect and welcome active and open, inspiring discussions on genetic and genomic medicine for HTS.

  • オーガナイザー
  • 吉田 輝彦国立がん研究センター中央病院

    櫻井 晃洋札幌医科大学医学部 遺伝医学(日本遺伝カウンセリング学会理事長)

    小崎 健次郎慶應義塾大学 医学部臨床遺伝学センター(日本人類遺伝学会理事長)

International Sessions/インターナショナルセッション英語
The comprehensive understanding of cancer genome by integrated whole genome sequencing and epigenome analyses using new technologies

The Whole Cancer Genome Sequencing Project initiated in Japan has led to the accumulation of large-scale whole-genome data. However, to elucidate mutations and structural abnormalities in non-coding regions, which are expected to be newly discovered by whole-genome analysis, it is essential to understand functional genomic regions such as enhancers, transcriptional regulators, and long non-coding RNAs. Methods such as ChIP-seq and ATACseq, which assess chromatin status, have been incorporated into clinical samples, and the epigenomic status of the entire cancer genome is being clarified through allele-specific methylation analysis by long-read analysis and full-length transcriptome sequencing. In this session, we will focus on new research areas that integrate epigenomic and whole-genome analysis technologies, which are currently advancing rapidly, and invite international researchers, including young scientists, to present their latest research results and discuss the prospects for new cancer genome research starting from whole-genome data.

  • 座長
  • 柴田 龍弘東京大学 医科学研究所/国立がん研究センター

    Bin Tean TehNational Cancer Center/Duke-NUS Medical School

Emerging roles of senescent cells in the cancer microenvironment

In recent years, it has been reported that chemotherapy drugs such as CDK4/6 inhibitors and radiotherapy induce cellular senescence in cancer and stromal cells, which contributes to cancer treatment resistance and recurrence. Furthermore, senescent cells are involved in the development and malignancy of various cancers via senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Therefore, understanding the roles of senescent cells and SASP in the cancer microenvironment is expected to lead to control of the increase in cancer incidence with aging and the malignancy of cancer. Development of senolytic drugs targeting senescent cells and senomorphic drugs regulating SASP derived from senescent cells is actively underway for cancer prevention and treatment. In this session, we will discuss novel cancer treatment strategies targeting senescent cells and SASP in the cancer microenvironment.

  • 座長
  • 高橋 暁子公益財団法人がん研究会 がん研究所細胞老化研究部

    Elaine SanijDNA Damage and Cancer Therapy Laboratory, St Vincent’s Institute

Dynamic gene regulation program in mediating adaptation and plasticity of cancers establishing tissue heterogeneity

Recent studies showed that gene expression is regulated by multiple layers of a dynamic coordination of regulatory factors at certain genomic loci. In many types of cancers, genetic alterations are found in such factors, especially epigenetic regulators, RNA splicing factors, and RNA binding proteins, indicating the crucial properties of these factors during carcinogenesis. Epigenetic regulators and other associated proteins in many important nuclear processes was shown to engage in multilayer cooperative interactions that dynamically regulate not only cancer cells but also the cells composing tumor microenvironment including different types of immune cells. These findings may raise a possibility of novel drug targets for cancer treatment. In this session, researchers from Asian counties discuss an emerging perspective of gene regulatory network, which contributes to establish tumor cells and their microenvironmental heterogeneity.

  • 座長
  • 近藤 豊名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 腫瘍生物学

    Shyam PrabhakarLaboratory of Systems Biology and Data Analytics, Genome Institute of SingaporeGenome Institute of Singapore

Roles of Crosstalk between Tumor Vessels and Microenvironment during Cancer Progression and Metastasis

Dynamic interactions of cancer cells with their microenvironment consisting of stromal cells and extracellular matrix components play important roles in the evolution of cancer cells. Components of tumor stroma, including tumor vessels, cancer associate fibroblasts and immune cells, are also affected by cancer cells and communicate with them. Increasing lines of evidence have suggested that these mutual interaction between cancer cells and tumor stroma alter the tumor microenvironment, which leads to cancer progression and metastasis. Therefore, understanding the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms governing these interactions can be used as a novel strategy to disrupt cancer cell interplay and contribute to the development of efficient therapeutic strategies to fight cancer. In this symposium, leading scientists in the field of tumor microenvironment will introduce the recent progress in their fields, and discuss how to develop effective and safe cancer therapies by targeting the tumor microenvironment.

  • 座長
  • 渡部 徹郎東京医科歯科大学

    Injune KimCenter for Vascular Research, Institute for Basic Science, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Genomic/Epigenomic Adaptation in Life Cycle of Cancer Cells

As represented by cancer genome therapy, comprehensive omics analysis and its medical application have been remarkably conducted and tried in cancer field. Many issues are, however, yet to be solved such as development of accurate cancer risk prediction and prevention, detailed stratification of treatment and recurrence prediction, and novel therapeutic agents for recurrent and refractory tumors. While cells are exposed to various carcinogenic factors and microenvironments, they adapt and evolve their genome structures and epigenome modifications in various ways from precancerous stages accumulating cancer risks to development of cancer, during progression and metastasis, or acquiring resistance to treatment during recurrence. Through various analytic approaches such as three-dimensional chromatin structure, spatial transcriptome, and single-cell analysis, elucidation of such genome/epigenome adaptation of cancer cells in their lifetime and development of medical strategies are comprehensively conducted in Japan and Asia. We will discuss on frontier studies in this field and disseminate cutting-edge information in this session.

  • 座長
  • 金田 篤志千葉大学大学院医学研究院 分子腫瘍学

    Patrick TanDuke–NUS Medical School

Evolutionary Biology of Tumor Initiation and Progression

On one hand, multistep carcinogenesis bears a high degree of similarity to Darwin's definition of evolution because it is characterized by heterogeneous cells with the ability to self-renew and by selection pressure from the microenvironment. On the other hand, it clearly differs from biological evolution in that cancer evolution is initiated by a genome that is already complex from the start, and epigenetic effects promote cancer evolution. Indeed, some tumors develop with minimal genetic changes, while cellular plasticity contributes to both tumor development and progression. However, an evolutionary theory capable of explaining these features of the carcinogenic process has not yet been established. Therefore, in this session, we call for theoretical and experimental studies to understand cancer evolution and to enable evolutionary-based cancer diagnosis and treatment strategies. Specifically, this includes single-cell analysis of cancer tissue, spontaneous carcinogenesis from non-human species, and studies focusing on the contribution of cell lineage-specific genes to carcinogenesis. In addition, proposals for new theories specific to cancer evolution and research on therapeutic strategies based on cancer evolutionary theory are also welcome.

  • 座長
  • 筆宝 義隆千葉県がんセンター研究所

    Tao LiuChildren's Cancer Institute Australia, University of New South Wales

Proteogenomics Analysis Opens New Cancer Treatment and Diagnostic Strategies

With the development of various omics analysis technologies in recent years, multi-omics analysis research is being actively conducted around the world, which can further develop the results of mature cancer genomics research. In particular, in the field of proteogenomics analysis research that integrates genomics and proteomics, The International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium (ICPC), in which 14 countries participate, was established in 2016 under the leadership of the Cancer Moonshot Project in the United States. In this framework, many important findings have been reported, including new cancer stratification and discovery of therapeutic targets based on proteogenomics. Moreover, further important discoveries are expected to be made in this field, from basic cancer biology to findings that will lead to clinical applications under global research collaborations and AI-assisted big data infrastructure. In this session, we would like to provide an opportunity to learn about the new possibilities offered by proteogenomics analysis by inviting researchers with distinguished achievements and leadership in Asian countries.

  • 座長
  • 植田 幸嗣公益財団法人がん研究会

    Sang-Won LeeDirector, Center for Proteogenome Research, Director, Proteome Curation Center Professor, Department of Chemistry, Korea University

New perspectives on genomic instability in cancer

Large-scale genomic analyses of cancer have shown that genomic instability is closely linked to cancer initiation, progression and drug resistance. It is also becoming clear how genomic instability arises at the cellular level and how it affects the properties of cancer cells. Furthermore, there is a growing trend to view genomic instability as a weakness of cancer cells and as a new therapeutic target. This International Session will discuss the latest findings on genomic instability in cancer at the cellular level, which complement large-scale genomic analyses of cancer and may lead to new therapeutic opportunities.

  • 座長
  • 田中 耕三東北大学加齢医学研究所

    Pascal DuijfTranslational Research Institute, Queensland University of Technology

Advances in Cancer Epidemiology from Molecular Aspects

It has been a long time since “molecular epidemiology” was introduced into the field of cancer epidemiology. Initially, hypothesis-based research using functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was mainly conducted but various approaches using a SNP-chip along with advance in genotyping technic have emerged such as whole-genome association analysis, mendelian randomization analysis, and development of polygenic risk score. Although primary aim of epidemiology is to prevent cancer, application to preventive measures has been challenge due to limited evidence considering environmental factors in many large-scale studies. Against this background, the aim of this session is to present the latest approaches in cancer molecular epidemiology by researchers representing the Asian region, and to promote future collaboration in cancer molecular epidemiology in Asia.

  • 座長
  • 岩崎 基国立がん研究センター

    Sue K. ParkDepartment of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea

New trends in radiation therapy and radiobiology

The focus of this session is to create a forum on new trends in radiation therapy and radiobiology in cancer researcher’s community. Radiation therapy has been established as a standard therapy against cancer and widely applied to treatment for various cancers. Recently, new radiation therapies have emerged; proton beam therapy, heavy ion therapy, boron neutron capture therapy, targeted alpha therapy and so on. These radiotherapeutic modalities impact on oncology not only in Europe and the United States, but also in Asia and Oceania. In order to accelerate these trends and further develop next generation radiation therapy, the contribution of radiobiology is fully expected. Radiobiology has so far made a great contribution not only to radiation oncology but also life sciences including cancer research. However, there are many challenging issues to be addressed, especially the biological or biophysical effects on living body after irradiation. New findings and technical advances in radiobiology will lead to the innovation of radiation therapy. In this session, we will invite cutting-edge researchers and radiation oncologists in Asia and Oceania to share our future on radiation therapy and radiobiology.

  • 座長
  • 長谷川 純崇量子科学技術研究開発機構

    Ik Jae LeeDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine

Challenges in developing new diagnostics and therapeutics for cancer using novel animal models

Advances in cancer research and in vivo model engineering are intricately linked and have grown hand in hand. The contribution of current models in the discovery of the new diagnostics and therapeutics is noteworthy. However, there exist large discrepancies between the actual clinical pathology and existing animal models, and new models that address these differences will further advance this field. Recent novel technological development enables researchers and clinicians not only to engineer new animal models, but also to re-purpose/re-engineer existing animal models such as zebrafish or fruit flies that have been utilized for a longtime. Due to limitations of existing animal models and increasing ethical regulations, the usage of these lower organism models will play important roles in both understanding of pathophysiological elucidation and developing new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. In this session, we aim to discuss various emerging animal models that is likely to have a profound impact in the years to come.

  • 座長
  • 細野 祥之岡山大学 学術研究院医歯薬学域 薬理学分野

    Bushra Ateeq DBT Wellcome Trust India Alliance, Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Commensal bacteria and tumor immunity

Recently, emerging evidences suggest that certain commensal bacteria are associated with cancers. Abnormal bacteria and their metabolites affect eithersystemic or local immune responses, which contribute to cancer progression and therapeutic outcomes. Consequently, new approaches that target gut microbiota have been clinically applied to cancer detection and treatment. In this syposium, we will primarily discuss the mechanism how microbiota modulates tumor immunity. We will also discuss recent advances and challenges using microbiota-modulating therapies such as fecal transplantation, prebiotics, or probiotics. We encourage the application and participation of young researchers.

  • 座長
  • 大谷 直子大阪公立大学大学院医学研究科

    早河 翼東京大学医学部消化器内科

The Nexus of RNA Dysregulation in Cancer

Gene regulation is fundamental to cell activity and malignant transformation, in which a manifestation of changes in gene expression facilitate the growth and spread of cancer cells into foreign niches. Recent advances in cancer research have highlighted that alterations in multiple layers of RNA regulation, including transcription, RNA splicing, RNA editing and modification, RNA 3’-end processing, non-coding RNA regulation, and biomolecular condensate regulation, are widespread in cancer cells beyond genomic alterations, contributing to cancer hallmarks and cancer diversity, and further opening a new avenue for cancer treatment. As understanding of the basic mechanisms of RNA regulation has continued to grow in recent years, the spectrum of RNA dysregulation also interplays with genetic, epigenetic, and translational mechanisms to shape altered gene expression programs in cancer. In addition, technological advances in RNA biology, such as bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing, genome/RNA engineering, and single cell analysis, have elaborated system-level understanding of RNA dysregulation in cancer and identified novel targets for therapeutic development. This symposium will connect domestic and foreign researchers and discuss the cutting edge and future of RNA research in cancer biology.

  • 座長
  • 井上 大地神戸医療産業都市推進機構

    鈴木 洋名古屋大学

Understanding cancer biology with diverse cancer models

Due to the inability to model cancer in a living human body, researchers have developed various cancer models to simulate and investigate aspects of cancer in the laboratory, including mechanisms of cancer development, progression and drug sensitivity. Such models now encompass a panoply of in vitro, in vivo and computational models, with each model having its own strength and weakness. Although these model systems have provided significant insights into cancer biology, each model is in part self-contained and perhaps being used in its own research culture and community, hampering translational and transinstitutional effort toward the same goal of understanding cancer for human well-being. The use of cancer models that involve human tissues requires an adjustment of ethical issues, which also should not be overlooked. In this symposium, we would like to share our exciting insights obtained from a variety of cutting-edge cancer models. Through active discussion, we aspire not only to deepen our fundamental understanding of cancer biology but also to facilitate collaborative research through mutual recognition of each model and expertise.

  • 座長
  • 藤井 正幸慶應義塾大学坂口光洋記念講座(オルガノイド医学)

    柳下 薫寛国立がん研究センター研究所 分子薬理研究分野

Evolving Technologies of Genetic Screening

Recent studies have made remarkable strides in elucidating the pathogenesis of cancer. Specifically, determining the key signaling pathways involved in carcinogenesis has been pivotal in understanding the mechanisms underlying cancer development and progression. Moreover, the identification of novel therapeutic targets has significantly promoted the development of anti-cancer drugs. In these studies, various screening technologies have contributed to delineating previously unappreciated genes governing cancers. For example, genome-wide genetic approaches in organoids and whole animals have unveiled essential genes implicated in cancer development, progression, and therapy resistance. This symposium invites six speakers who will present their cutting-edge achievements in various domains, including cancer initiation and progression. Sharing and discussing the latest methodologies and findings should open up new avenues for accelerating cancer research.

  • 座長
  • 園下 将大北海道大学

    武田 はるな国立がん研究センター研究所

Revisiting epigenetics in cancer

Recent advances in molecular biology and functional genomics have enabled the identification of epigenetic alterations in specific genes and pathways that contribute to tumorigenesis. In addition, the use of epigenetic therapies, such as DNA methylation inhibitors and histone deacetylase inhibitors, has shown promise in the treatment of certain types of cancer.
However, many challenges still remain in the field of cancer epigenetics to fully understand the mechanisms of cancer development and maintenance. In this symposium, we will discuss the recent efforts to fully understand the complex interplay between genetics and epigenetics in tumorigenesis. We will also talk about emerging concepts of epigenetics related to the aging process, a major risk factor for various cancers. Furthermore, we will introduce an array of new and disruptive technologies to reveal new aspects of cancer epigenomics. These technologies include functional genomics tools that allow detailed studies of cancer epigenomics at high genomic resolution, as well as spatial epigenomic profiling methods at the single-cell level. This symposium aims to provide a forum for a lively discussion of new biology and technologies that will open up new directions in cancer epigenetics research.

  • 座長
  • 岩間 厚志東京大学

    村川 泰裕京都大学

ゲノム情報解析の最先端: ヒトゲノムのダークマター領域の謎に迫る
Cutting-edge Genome Informatics: Unraveling the Mystery of Dark Matter Regions of a Human Genome


  • 座長
  • 森下 真一東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科

    白石 友一国立がん研究センター研究所

AI opens up a new era of cancer research

Expectations for artificial intelligence (AI) are rising with rapid advances in machine learning technology, particularly deep learning. AI is currently being introduced in various areas of society, and the medical field is no exception, with AI-based medical devices already in use not only at the research level but also in clinical practice. In cancer research, AI is beginning to be actively utilized in a wide range of fields, including analysis of medical images such as endoscopic images, pathological images, and radiological images, omics analysis, and drug discovery. In particular, recent cancer research requires analysis of large-scale data such as whole genome data and multimodal analysis of data from various modalities, and AI-based cancer research is expected to become increasingly important in the future. Therefore, this symposium will be held to present the latest results of AI-based cancer research and to help participants understand the current status of AI-based cancer research.

  • 座長
  • 浜本 隆二国立がん研究センター研究所医療AI研究開発分野

    石川 俊平東京大学大学院医学系研究科衛生学分野

New era in cancer biology to understand complex metastasis

Most of cancer-related death is caused by metastasis, thus it is important to understand the molecular mechanism of metastasis to develop novel therapeutic strategy. Recent genome analysis demonstrated that accumulation of driver mutations is confirmed in the primary cancer tissues, and the metastasis-specific genetic alterations are rarely found. On the other hand, there have been shown to be novel biological mechanisms that include extracellular vesicle-led premetastatic niche generation, education of tumor-promoting stromal cells for survival of disseminated tumor cells, cell cluster migration and polyclonal metastasis, and stemness-regulated dormancy of the drug-resistant cells, etc. In this symposium, we would like to discuss about such novel biological mechanisms to expand our knowledge about metastasis development.

  • 座長
  • 大島 正伸金沢大学 がん進展制御研究所 腫瘍遺伝学研究分野

    榎本 篤名古屋大学 大学院医学系研究科 腫瘍病理学

New approaches to overcome drug resistance


  • オーガナイザー
  • 中奥 敬史国立がん研究センター

    片山 量平公益財団法人がん研究会

Frontiers in proteomics - from elucidation of molecular dynamics to clinical application -

Understanding cancer and developing treatments requires analyses not only genetic mutations but also the quantity and activity of proteins that regulate functions. With the advances of technologies such as next-generation DNA sequencing and RNA sequencing, genomic analysis in cancer has contributed to the identification of driver mutations and the development of targeted therapies. Although proteomics has lagged somewhat behind genomics, recent advances in proteomics technology over the past years have enabled direct, in depth, and quantitative analysis of the abundances of various cancer-related proteins, as well as their cancer specific amino acid alterations and post-transrational modifications in clinical samples. Deep proteomic profiling provides clinically useful information in various aspects, such as understanding the mechanisms of cancer physiology, and also discovering targets for diagnosis and anti-cancer agents. In this symposium, the cutting-edge proteomics technologies will be presented to provide an understanding of the current status of the latest clinical proteomics. Various topics will be covered, including the challenge of single-cell proteomics and integration with genomics. We hope to increase understanding of the potential and utility of different types of state-of-the-art proteomics platforms, and to promote collaborative research and clinical applications in the future.

  • オーガナイザー
  • 芳賀 淑美公益財団法人がん研究会

    足達 俊吾産業技術総合研究所

Immunological Characteristics of the Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Immunotherapies

Cancer immunotherapies such as monoclonal antibodies against PD-1/PD-L1 or CTLA-4 have been approved in the treatment for various types of cancer, leading to a paradigm shift in cancer treatment. However, their efficacies are unsatisfactory as monotherapies. It is essential to understand the mechanisms of treatment sensitivity and resistance in the tumor microenvironment (TME) to increase efficacy. Various novel technologies including single-cell sequencing and imaging system have made it possible for us to elucidate the TME in detail. In addition, new insights into the tumor metabolic environment, the molecular mechanisms of immune checkpoints, and the balance between immunogenicity and oncogenic function of gene mutations have been uncovered. In this symposium, six presenters will show novel insights about the TME based on their latest findings.

  • 座長
  • 冨樫 庸介岡山大学

    小山 正平国立がん研究センター

Symposia on Specific Tumors/腫瘍別シンポジウム日本語
Advances in basic and translational research in brain tumors

Malignant brain tumors are highly lethal. Despite recent advances in basic research and clinical management, its prognosis still remains dismal, requiring further comprehensive understanding of this type of disease using multi-layered approaches. Besides, due to a huge inter-tumoral heterogeneity, the personalized medicine is being anticipated based on individual tumor characteristics. Thus, this session focuses on current advances in technologies/platforms for basic and translational research of malignant brain tumors, leading to synergistic acceleration toward establishment of new therapeutic avenues across tumor entities.
Key topic areas that will be addressed include 1) Whole-genome and multi-omics sequencing analysis, 2) Challenges of inter- and intra-tumoral heterogeneity 3) identification of novel and effective biomarkers for diagnosis, monitoring prognosis and treatments and 4) innovative preclinical modeling. The program welcomes early-career investigators and graduate students and calls for abstracts from younger researchers and clinicians.

  • 座長
  • 鈴木 啓道国立がん研究センター 研究所 脳腫瘍連携研究分野

    川内 大輔国立精神神経センター神経研究所