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Call for Papers

Abstract submission period: October 9 (Tue.) – November 30 (Fri.)

Type of Presentation

  • - Oral
  • - Poster
  • - Either will be fine

Submission Guidelines

Title up to 100 words in single byte
Body of abstract up to 300 words in single byte
Co-authors up to 30 persons
Affiliations up to 10 affiliations

Guideline for Poster preparation

1) Poster panel
The secretariat will prepare a panel with your poster number. Pins will be provided along with the board thus please do not use any tape that is not provided by the secretariat.
2) Poster size
The size of the poster panel is W90 cm x H210 cm.
Please prepare your posters to fi t in this size.
Each presenter is responsible for preparing their posters with the title, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s).


3) Poster title
Please prepare a slip with title, name(s) of author(s), and institution(s), if these are not included in their posters.


Please choose the category for your paper.
*up to 3 categories can be registered. *you are required to choose at least 1 category.

01 Schizophrenia
02 Mood disorders
03 Neurotic disorders and related disorders
04 Personality disorders
05 Epilepsy
06 Dementia
07 Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors
08 Organic and symptomatic mental disorders
09 Substance abuse and dependence
10 Mental disorders in childhood and adolescence
11 Sleep disorders
12 Mental retardation
13 Mental disorders in old age
14 Forensic psychiatry
15 Mental health and welfare
16 Medical education
17 Psychopathology
18 Neuropsychology
19 Neurophysiology
20 Psychopharmacology
21 Neurochemistry
22 Neuropathology
23 Genetics and molecular genetics
24 Epidemiology
25 Community mental health services
26 Emergency psychiatry
27 Consultation-liaison psychiatry
28 Psychiatric diagnosis
29 Symptomatology
30 Pharmacotherapy
31 Psychotherapy
32 Psychosocial therapy/psychoeducation
33 ECT/neuromodulation
34 Laboratory tests/biomarkers
35 Neuroimaging
36 Animal model/basic research
37 Psychotic disorders other than schizophrenia
38 Occupational mental health
39 Social psychiatry
40 Other

Abstract Submission

Meeting Secretariat

Secretariat of the 115th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.
2 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075 JAPAN

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