The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology/The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry

Abstract Submission

The Joint Meeting of The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology and the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry invites researchers to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentation.

All abstracts need to be submitted through the Online Abstract Submission System on this website.
After the abstract submission is closed, any information cannot be modified including the abstract text, authors (the first author and co-authors), or affiliations.

1. Abstract Submission Period

For Oral/Poster Abstracts December 14 (Wed.), 2022 – February 3 (Fri.), 2023 *JST
                                                          February 13 (Mon.), 2023 *JST

Abstract submission has been closed.

For Designated Speakers Informed by the secretariat soon

2. Abstract Submission Eligibility

Japanese Society for Neurochemistry The presenting author (first author) must be a member of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry.
Japanese Society of Neuropathology At least one author (first or co-author) mush be a member of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology

Contact information for JSNP/JSN membership

The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN)


TEL: 03-5361-7107 / FAX: 03-5361-7091 / E-mail:

The Japanese Society of Neuropathology (JSNP)


TEL: 03-5291-6231 / FAX: 03-5291-2176 / E-mail:

3. Style of Presentation/Language

The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN)

Format: Oral or Poster

Presentation Language: Japanese or English

Abstract Language: English

The Japanese Society of Neuropathology (JSNP)

Format: Oral or Poster

Presentation Language: Japanese or English

Abstract Language Japanese or English (same as Presentation Language)

Authors’, affiliations, and abstract title are required in both Japanese and English even when the presentation language is Japanese

Society Presentation
Abstract Title/
Author Affiliation
Presentation Slides
The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN) Oral [Japanese Presentation]

Both English and Japanese

[English Presentation]

English only

English English or Japanese
Wakate Dojo Japanese in principle English accepted
The Japanese Society of Neuropathology (JSNP) Oral
Both English and Japanese Japanese Japanese
English English English
Student Poster [Japanese Presentation]

Both English and Japanese

[English Presentation]

English only

English or Japanese English or Japanese
Neuropathology Technical Forum Both English and Japanese Japanese Japanese

4. Award (Only for the Japanese Society of Neuropathology (JSNP))

Eligibility:Members of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology (Abstracts for JSNP Sessions)

  1. Presentation in English Session (For Student Posters, Japanese or English)
  2. Aged 45 or less on April 1, 2023.
  3. Not applicable for professors, and abstracts for Neuropathology Technical Forum.

5. Wakate Dojo (The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN))

1. Overview

“Wakate Dojo” is a special training session for young researchers organized by the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry. Oral presentation skills, research content, and research techniques will be evaluated by the well-experienced researchers in the field, and the advice will be provided. In this Joint Meeting, undergraduates, graduates, and post-docs (within 5 years after PhD) are eligible for presenting at the Wakate Dojo. The Excellent Presentation Award will be given to those who made excellent presentations.

2. Outline

Undergraduates, graduates, and post-doc within 5 years after obtaining a PhD degree at the time of abstract registration.

15 min (7 min presentation, 8 min discussion Q&A)

Number of presenters per session:
4~5 presenters

Structure of presentation and language:
The typical presentation structure including General introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, are welcome. However, we also allow presentation focusing on the weakness of your current research and proposal-type presentation such as; what you have not achieved and what could be changed to get an answer. English presentation is possible if desired.

Evaluation and judges:

  • 3 judges will evaluate the presentation.
  • Evaluation criteria will be announced later to the presenters.
  • The award will be given to the excellent presentations during the annual meeting.

6. How to Submit

All abstract submissions must be made electronically through Online Abstract Submission System of UMIN (University hospital Medical Information Network).

7. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)

Authors should disclose the existence of conflict of interest (COI). Conflict of interest should also be disclosed in your presentation on the day of the meeting if there is any.

8. Entering the Abstract Text

[Abstracts for the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry (JSN)]

No designated structure is determined.

[Abstracts for the Japanese Society of Neuropathology (JSNP)]

Abstract body should be structured as, for example, Objectives - Materials & Methods - Results - Conclusions.

The abstract should be limited to;

20 authors

20 affiliations

Text within 1,400 characters when including no graphic or table in the abstract.

Text within 900 characters when including graphic or table in the abstract.

Total number of characters;

Within 2,200 characters for authors, abstract title, and abstract text, when including no graphic or table in the abstract.

Within 1,700 characters for authors, abstract title, and abstract text, when including graphic or table in the abstract.

Graphic or table;

JPEG or GIF format

9. Confirm/Modify/Delete Abstract after Submission

Please retain your abstract number and password (you set your own password) for confirming, modifying, and deleting your abstract. For security reasons, the secretariat will not be able to respond to inquiries concerning abstract numbers and passwords.

Once abstract submission is closed, no change requests of the title, co-authors, or any others will be accepted.

When printing in the program, we will not edit submitted abstracts. Therefore, you should be mindful of spell checking and grammatical correctness in your submission.

Please enter your e-mail address correctly as all the notice including acceptance notice will be sent by e-mail.

10. Acceptance Notice

Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee. Acceptance of abstracts will be notified by e-mail in the middle of March.

The decision of the congress president is final.

Ethical considerations must be provided to accept.

Online Abstract Submission

Inquiry for Abstract Submission


c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.
PIAS TOWER 11F, 3-19-3 Toyosaki, Kita-ku, Osaka 531-0072, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6377-2188 / Fax: +81-6-6377-2075