The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine


The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine

Chair Yutaka Osuga

Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo

Chair:Yutaka Osuga(Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo)

I am pleased to announce that the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine will be held at Tokyo International Forum over three days from June 9 (Fri) to 11 (Sun), 2023. As advances have been made in anti-aging medicine, the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (JAAM) too has changed and evolved. At this meeting, we will examine the forefront of anti-aging medicine from diverse perspectives, both in research and clinical aspects.
Healthy longevity is an issue for society as much as it is an issue for individuals. It is an issue that transcends generations both medically and socially. In this context, we have settled on the theme of this meeting “Anti-Aging for Men and Women of All Ages -from womb to tomb-.” This theme reflects scientific knowledge that epigenome change induced by the environmental factors during the fetal period and earlier can affect the future health of an individual and, indeed, of the next generation, and that we have entered an era in which everyone in society is thinking about anti-aging. The diversity of abstracts and participants at this cross-disciplinary meeting will stimulate positive responses and is expected to lead to the discovery and development of new dimensions. A declining birthrate and aging population make extending healthy life expectancy an urgent issue in Japan. I hope that you will completely immerse yourself in the latest in anti-aging medicine at this meeting so that everyone can lead a bright life supported by the power of anti-aging medicine and, at the same time, Japan’s vitality can be enhanced. Finally, as we pass the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has endured since 2020, we will see a welcome return of the enjoyment that only a face-to-face meeting can provide—one which was not attainable through online meetings. We are also enthusiastically planning fun and exciting events to refresh your tired minds after a day of learning. I am looking forward to seeing you all there.