
Pre-Registration for Regional IPA/JPS Meeting and the 36th JPS (第36回日本老年精神医学会) is available only through the Online Registration System.

Registration: June 11, 2021 – November 10, 2021

Registration Fee

Category Early Registration
(June 11 – September 15, 2021)
Live + On Demand
Regular Registration
(September 16 – November 10, 2021)
On Demand
Both IPA and JPS(*) programs
JPY 15,000 JPY 16,000
Only IPA programs JPY 5,000 JPY 6,000

Abstract Book

The Abstract Book of Regional IPA/JPS Meeting will be available online.


日本老年精神医学会会員の皆様へ/For JPS Members

  • ・参加費の消費税については「会員/不課税、非会員/課税」となります。



  • ・JPS・IPA両大会に参加の場合「本学会10単位+他学会5単位」
  • ・JPS発表者の場合「本学会10単位+他学会5単位+本学会発表5単位」
  • ・IPA発表者の場合「本学会10単位+他学会5単位+他学会発表2単位」


  • ・IPA大会のみに参加の場合「他学会5単位」
  • ・IPA発表者の場合「他学会5単位+他学会発表2単位」
  • ※本カテゴリーでは、JPSでの発表は不可となりますのでご注意ください。

Issuance of ID & Password/Participation Certification & Receipt

Registration Period Issuance of ID & password to enter virtual congress Issuance of participation certificate & receipt
Early Registration Jun. 11 - Sep. 8, Noon During Sep. 10
(By E-mail)
During September
(By E-mail)
After Sep. 8, Noon - Sep. 15 After Sep. 13,
within 1 hour after registration
(By E-mail)
During September
(By E-mail)
Regular Registration Sep. 16 - Nov. 10 within 1 hour after registration
(By E-mail)
At the late November
(By E-mail)

Payment Method

Payment of the registration fee should be made by credit card.
*VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, DINERS or JCB is accepted.
*Your credit card has been charged by "Convention Linkage, Inc."

Cancellation Policy

*No refunds are available for cancellations.
*Any cancellation notice should be made and sent to the Secretariat in writing which includes the participant's name and Registration ID by E-mail.

Online Registration

日本国内の参加者へ/For Japanese (JPS)


When you completed your registration on-line, a confirmation message will be sent to your registered E-mail address. The message includes your Registration ID. Please keep it until the end of the congress.