Call for Abstracts
Late Breaking Clinical Trial
Please download and fill in the Abstract Submission Form and send it to the Secretariat by e-mail ( ).
Submission deadline: July 1 (JPT)
Submission Period
March 20 (Wed.) - | ||
Abstract Submission was closed. |
How to Submit Abstracts
All submissions must be made online via this website.
Application Qualification
If author and co-authors for this registration belong to overseas affiliations, they are not required to be a member of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT). However, if the author/co-author belongs to an institution in Japan, membership registration to CVIT by the meeting dates is required.
Presentation Type
01 | Contributed Paper for Oral |
02 | Contributed Paper for Poster |
03 | Symposium (SY) / Panel Discussion (PD) |
04 | Others |
- * If you select 03. Symposium/Panel Discussion for Presentation Type, you will be requested to select one of the sessions below. (Required)
SY01 | Consider AUC criteria in Japan
SY02 | Imaging in EVT
SY03 | Endoluminal bypass in the peripheral artery
SY04 | Complication and bailout of TAVI (Case-based)
SY05 | Evolution of CTO-PCI
SY06 | EVT for highly calcified lesions
SY07 | Complication and bailout CTO-PCI
SY08 | Stentless PCI: DCA/DCB/ELCA etc.
SY09 | Complication and bailout in EVT
SY10 | Nightmare of complex PCI/complication and bailout
SY11 | DCB vs stent? SFA treatment
SY12 | CTA/HeartFlow
SY13 | CAS/CEA vs PCI/CABG - Which is first?
SY14 | Coronary imaging and physiology
SY15 | Discriminated use of DES and DAPT
SY16 | Does the angiography-based FFR simulation change the work flow in the cath lab?
SY17 | Vulnerable patient: an endless debate
SY18 | New rule of catheter intervention in medical care of cerebral apoplexy
SY19 | Treatment strategies for SFA complex lesions in drug elution device era
SY20 | Clinical standard for ischemic diagnosis is investigated.
SY21 | Cardiovascular disease in women
SY22 | Treatment strategies for coronary arterial calcified lesions
SY23 | Actual and current situation of AMI in Japan - The importance of registry data is considered
SY24 | Distal radial approach: a new standard of coronary access?
SY25 | OCT/OFDI for optimal PCI
SY26 | Treatment strategies of instable lesions by intravascular imaging guidance
SY27 | SHD heart team session
SY28 | 3D-OCT
SY29 | Multi-disciplinary approach to CLI
SY30 | Approach to CKD patients
SY31 | Hemodynamic assist device: when and how to use?
SY32 | MitraClip Taped Case
SY33 | Complication & Bailout of TAVR (Lecture)
SY34 | Endothelial Shear Stress (ESS) and Plaque Progression
SY35 | ACS Pathology and Imaging
SY36 | Importance of Coronary Artery Disfunctions in the PCI Era
SY37 | Left Main PCI: Imaging Physiology, technique and data
SY38 | Significance of ASA with the DAPT 2019 Update
SY39 | MVD disease / SYNTAX
Category for Contributed Papers
01 | ACS | 28 | ICD/CRT/CRTD |
02 | Antiplatelet Therapy | 29 | ISR |
03 | Assist Device | 30 | IVUS/OCT/Angioscopy |
04 | Bifurcated Lesion | 31 | Kawasaki Disease |
05 | BMS | 32 | Laser Angioplasty |
06 | BRS | 33 | LMT |
07 | CABG/CABG vs. PCI | 34 | Mitral Valve Treatment |
08 | CAS | 35 | Multivessel Disease |
09 | Catheter Ablation | 36 | Pathology |
10 | CKD/HD | 37 | Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) |
11 | CLI | 38 | POBA/Cutting Balloon/Scoring Device |
12 | Complications | 39 | Prognosis |
13 | Congenital Heart Disease | 40 | PTSMA |
14 | CT/MRI/Scintigraphy | 41 | Pulmonary Embolism/DVT |
15 | CTEPH/BPA | 42 | Regenerative Therapy |
16 | CTO | 43 | Renal Denervation |
17 | DES | 44 | Restenosis |
18 | Diabets | 45 | Rotablator/DCA |
19 | Distal Protection Devices/Thrombectomy | 46 | Secondary Prevention/OMT |
20 | DVT/Venous Disease | 47 | Small Vessel Disease/Diffuse Lesion |
21 | Dyslipidemia/HT/Smoking/Other Risk Factors | 48 | Stent Graft |
22 | Emergency Care | 49 | Stent Thrombosis |
23 | Endovascular Intervention | 50 | TAVI/Valvuloplasty |
24 | Epidemiology | 51 | Thrombolysis |
25 | Financial Cost | 52 | TRI |
26 | Flow Wire/Pressure Wire/FFR CT | 53 | PH/BPA |
27 | Heart Failure | 54 | Others |
Length of Abstract
Title of Abstract: Up to 20 words
Body of Abstract: Up to 220 words without a figure or a table (130 words with a figure or a table)
Please note you cannot complete the submission if the number of words goes beyond the limits.
Abstract Submission
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For security reasons, we recommend you not to use plaintext-based web communications for your abstract submission.
- * This abstract submission system works only on the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari (ver. 2.0.3 (471.9.2) or later). Please do not use other browsers for abstract submission.
How We Handle Personal Information
The CVIT2019 entrusts the collecting, storing, and handling of the personal information provided to us, to University hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN) Center.
The personal information that you provide through the online submission system, will be used for the following purposes only:
- 1) to answer your inquiries regarding the meeting.
- 2) to send you the notification of review results.
- 3) to post your names, affiliations, presentation titles and abstracts on the official website and publish the program book / meeting APP.
Contact for CVIT Membership
The Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT)
TEL: +81-3-6280-4126 FAX: +81-3-6280-4127
CVIT website (Japanese only):
Congress Secretariat
c/o Convention Linkage, Inc.
Asahiseimei Bldg., 3-32-20, Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan
TEL:+81-52-262-5070 FAX:+81-52-262-5084