APOTC.2024 8th Sapporo japan

Information for chairs and presenters

For chairs

Chair’s check in Desk (keynote address, symposium, oral and congress theme sessions, poster sessions)

Please check in at the Desk at least 30 minutes prior to your session and be seated in the session room at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the session.

6th November, WednesdayIn preparation 1F Foyer
7th November, Thursday In preparation
8th November, FridayIn preparation

Guidelines for chairs

For oral presenters

Speakers’ PC Desk

  • All presenters including keynote address, symposium, congress theme, oral and workshop presenters are required to check in to the PC Desk.
  • If you are presenting on Wednesday 6 November, you need to check in at least 2 hours prior to their session. If your presentation is scheduled on Thursday 7 or Friday 8, please check in at least the day before to allow time to ensure their presentation can be opened and uploaded onto the Congress AV network.
  • The first author (presenter) must be a participant of APOTC 2024. Full-Day Congress registration (Early Bird) must be done online by July 31, 2024 (JST).
6th November, WednesdayIn preparation 1F Foyer
7th November, Thursday In preparation
8th November, FridayIn preparation

Guidelines for oral presenters

Accessibility friendly presentation

Please be aware that there may be participants with visual or hearing impairments in the lecture/presentation rooms and make your presentation/lecture accessible.

  • Please state your affiliation, name, and presentation as clearly as possible.
  • Please use the pointer when reading out slides.
  • Please move your slides forward with the text display time in mind.

For poster presenters (including student posters)

The first author (presenter) must be a participant of APOTC 2024. Full-Day Congress registration (Early Bird) must be done online by July 31, 2024 (JST).

Guidelines for poster presenters

Set up and removal of poster

  • Please check which session you have been scheduled to present. After you check in, ensure your poster is displayed prior to the first coffee break of the day of your presentation day. Presenters are required to stand-by 30 minutes in front of the Poster on the day of allocated time.
  • Posters must be removed at the end of the day (5pm). APOTC2024 will take no responsibility for any posters that remain up after this time.