The 7th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference

Conference Hall, Hokkaido University Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
8-10 July, 2018

Call for Papers



Submission Period

November 10 (Fri.) - Closed
April 2(Mon.), 2018
February 28 (Wed.), 2018

Presentation Style

Please choose style of presentation, oral or poster in a form of paper submission.
After the acceptance of your paper by the scientific committee of the conference, we will notice you the presentation style, oral or poster.
Invited speakers will mark oral presentation.

Guideline for Submission of Papers

All papers (including invited papers and offered papers) submitted to the Seventh Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference must comply with the following instructions. Failure to do so will result in return of the manuscript. Please refer to the sample of a paper attached at the end of this guideline. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague or professional editing service prior to submission.

1. General specification

1.1 Word processing software

Manuscripts should be prepared as a MS Word document (.doc or .docx).

1.2 General format

Manuscripts should be in the printed version of the Proceedings, including all parts of paper (i.e. title, author name(s), affiliation(s), key words, abstract, figure(s), table(s), photo(s) and references). All pages must be in A4 size with margins of 25, 25, 20 and 20 mm for top, bottom, left and right, respectively. Text must be single-spaced. Times New Roman with a font size of 10 points is to be used except for the title and author name(s). The maximum size of a paper is 2 pages for an offered paper and 6 pages for an invited paper.

2. Title and abstract block

2.1 Title, author name(s) and affiliation(s)

The title should appear centered in bold 12 points letters without underlining, at the top of the first page of the paper. Use more than one line if you wish. After one blank line under the title, type the author name(s) with bold 12 points letters. The author's name(s) should commence with the first (given) name, followed by the middle (if applicable) and last (family) names. The first and middle names can be written either as initials or in full, provided that they are consistent for all authors. Type the affiliation(s) and postal address(s) under the author's name(s). When a paper has several authors from different institutions, key the author to the affiliation and the postal address with superscript Arabic numerals. Then, type the name and e-mail address for the correspondence.
The author name(s), affiliation(s) and correspondence should be centered.

2.2 Keywords

Leave one blank line under the correspondence. Type "Keywords:" in bold letters and flush left, followed by less than 5 key words for an invited paper or 3 key words for an offered paper. Key words must be arranged in an alphabetical order.

2.3 Abstract

Leave two blank lines under the key words. Type "Abstract:" in bold letters and flush left, followed by 200–250 words for an invited paper or 100–150 words for an offered paper. The Abstract should be concise and state a brief summary of the content in one paragraph. Importantly, the findings and results should be understandable to non-specialists.

3. Main body of text

The main body of the text must be presented in the following order; Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and discussion), Conclusion(s) (optional), Acknowledgment(s) (optional) and References. No indention is necessary for the first paragraph after each heading; however indention (3 mm) is necessary from the second paragraph onward. Acknowledgments for grants, assistance and others should be described in the acknowledgment(s) section not as a footnote.

3.1 Major headings and subheadings

Major headings (Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and discussion),
Conclusion(s) and References) and subheadings must be typed in bold letters and flushed left after one blank line except for the subheading under the major heading which must be typed without a blank line.

3.2 Figures, tables and photos

Figures, tables and photos must be placed as close as practicable to the reference in the text. If you must turn a table sideways, please be sure that the top is always on the left-hand side of the page. All captions must be typed in upper and lower case letters, centered directly under a figure and photo or above a table.
All captions are to be numbered consecutively, e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2. If you need footnotes for tables, place them under the tables.
If your article contains any copyrighted illustrations or imagery, please include a statement of copyright such as: ©SPOT Image Copyright 20xx (fill in year), CNES. It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary copyright permission. The copyright of your article remains with you.

3.3 Equations, symbols and units, abbreviations and scientific names

Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. The equation number is enclosed in brackets and flushed right. Leave one blank line before and after the equations. Use the SI units and symbols. Units should be expressed using an exponent, e.g. kg ha–1 not using a slash (kg/ha). Please use an en dash (), not a hyphen (-), for the minus sign.
Abbreviations should be used sparingly - only where they ease the reader's task by reducing repetition of long, technical terms. Initially describe the word in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.
Upon its first use in the title, abstract and text, the common name of a species should be followed by the scientific name (genus, species and authority) in parentheses. Scientific names should be expressed in Italic letters (except the authority).

3.4 References

References should enable a librarian to supply the quoted paper/book to the reader. References cited in the text must be listed in a chronological order (Gist and Mott 1958; Smith 1987, 1990; Kawamura et al. 2003). The name(s) of author(s) and year of publication must be separated by a space. Use a semicolon (;) between references with different authors and use a comma for different years within the same author(s).
References list must be arranged in an alphabetical order and each reference must be typed from the left margin. When a reference has more than two lines, the lines after the first line must be indented (3 mm). Also, the following style should be used:

References from journals:

Gist GR, Mott GO (1958) Growth of alfalfa, red clover, and birdsfoot trefoil seedlings under various quantities of light. Agronomy Journal, 50: 583–586.
Kawamura K, Akiyama T, Watanabe O (2000) Estimation of aboveground biomass in Xilingol steppe using NOAA/NDVI. Grassland Science, 49: 1–9.
[Note] Names of journals can be abbreviated according to the "International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations". In case of doubt, write names in full.

References from books:

Bogdan AV (1977) Tropical Pasture and Fodder Plants. London: Longman, 205–212.
Robson MJ, Sheehy JE (1981) Leaf area and light interception. In: Sward Measurement Handbook (Eds Hodgson J, Baker RD, Davies A). Berkshire: British Grassland Society, 115–139. [Note] Use 'Ed' when the book is edited by a single editor.

References from other literature sources:

Smith J (1987) Economic printing of color orthophotos. Arlington, VA, USA: Report KRL-01234, Kennedy Research Laboratories.
Smith J (2000) Remote sensing to predict volcano outbursts. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Kyoto, Japan: Vol. XXVII, Part B1, 456–469.

References from websites:

FAO (1999) Guidelines on social analysis for rural area development planning. Agricultural policy support service, FAO, Rome, available online: [cited 2 November 2004].

Sample of a paper


The papers will be published as proceedings that will be available at the start of the conference. Selected papers will be published in special issue in Grassland Science ( in 2019 after peer reviewing process.


All the Papers will be reviewed and selected by Scientific Committee of the conference.

Paper Submission


Professor Toshihiko Yamada,
Hokkaido University