April 10, 2020
Information about The 11th Annual Conference of Japan
Primary Care Association
Thank you very much for your kind consideration for The 11th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association. After much discussion by the organizers, we have decided to hold the Congress online only due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We sincerely apologize for inconvenience this may cause.
Your kind understanding of the circumstances will be highly appreciated.
What’s New
- Jan. 24, 2020Abstract Submission is closed.
- Jan. 10, 2020Abstract Submission deadline has been extended.
- Dec. 09, 2019Pre-registration has been opened.
- Dec. 02, 2019Abstract Submission has been opened.
- Nov. 25, 2019Program, Call for Abstracts and Registration have been updated.
- Oct. 10, 2019Accommodation has been updated.
- June 28, 2019Site Open