In 2026, we will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the Japan Endocrine Society


The Japan Endocrine Society’s
100th Anniversary

In 2026, we will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the Japan Endocrine Society

A Century of Pride, 
and Innovations

For the occasion, we will hold a ceremony in Kyoto during the 22nd International Congress of Endocrinology and the 99th Annual Congress of the Japan Endocrine Society (ICE2026/JES2026). You can find the details below.


1. About the Anniversary

The Anniversary will be celebrated on 5 June 2026 (Friday) at the Kyoto International Conference Center.

※It will be held alongside the 22nd International Congress of Endocrinology and the 99th Annual Congress of the Japan Endocrine Society (ICE2026/JES2026).

2. Commemorative Publication

We will publish a compilation of the 100 years of JES history, Commemorative books and leaflets.

3. Public Relations and Education

We will create a website for public relations, and we are planning to organize public lectures as part of our educational activities.

Organizing Committee

President of the Japan Endocrine Society: Hiroshi Arima(Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)

President of the Japan Endocrine Society

Hiroshi Arima

Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine

The Japan Endocrine Society boasts the world’s second-longest history, after the Endocrine Society established in the USA in 1916, launched its first official journal “Naibunpitsugaku Zasshi” in 1925, and held its first academic meeting in 1927. The academic meetings have been held every year to this day, except for 1946, after the end of the war. The Japan Endocrine Society will hold a 100th anniversary event in Kyoto in June 2026. In addition, the 99th Annual Congress of the Japan Endocrine Society and International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE2026) are scheduled for the same period. Through this commemorative event, we would like to look back on the 100-year long road that the Japan Endocrine Society has traveled, and look to the future for the further flourishment of the society.

Chair of the Japan Endocrine Society 100th Anniversary Task Force: Yoshihiro Ogawa(Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University)

Chair of the Japan Endocrine Society 100th Anniversary Task Force

Yoshihiro Ogawa

Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University

The Japan Endocrine Society has made a great contribution to the advancement of biomedical science and national health care through the discovery of new hormones, fundamental and clinical researches on endocrine and metabolic disorders, and scientific evidence-based clinical applications. The 100th anniversary of the Society is a great opportunity to look back on the proud history of endocrinology in Japan and to build a sustainable foundation for future development. I would like to join efforts with all our members to make this year a historical one to be remembered as a witness of our 100th anniversary. I would like to visualize an image of the academic society to live up to the new demands and to support the advancement of endocrinology over the next 100 years.

Working group 1. International relations, career development for mid-career & young endocrinologists: Hidenori Fukuoka(Department of Internal Medicine Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)

Working group 1. International relations, career development for mid-career & young endocrinologists

Hidenori Fukuoka

Department of Internal Medicine Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine

I, Hidenori Fukuoka, was appointed to the Japan Endocrine Society 100th Anniversary Task Force. I would like to contribute to activities to pass on the experience and knowledge acquired through the 100-year history of our Society, the ties of cooperation and communication, as well as the foundation of our achievements, and to develop toward the enhancement of the patients' health.

Working group 1. International relations, career development for mid-career & young endocrinologists: Michio Otsuki(Department of Endocrinology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University )

Working group 1. International relations, career development for mid-career & young endocrinologists

Michio Otsuki

Department of Endocrinology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University

Congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the Japan Endocrine Society! I am greatly honored to participate as a member of this memorable 100th anniversary project. I will do my best to make this event both an expression of gratitude to our senior members who have been committed to the development of endocrinology in Japan and a foundation to foster young members who will carry on for the next 100 years.

Working group 2. History of endocrinology & metabolism: Hidetaka Suga(Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)

Working group 2. History of endocrinology & metabolism

Hidetaka Suga

Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine

I am truly grateful for the good fortune to be able to participate as a Task Force member of the 100th anniversary on the Japan Endocrine Society. Looking at the progress made so far by our seniors, I am reminded that continuity is strength. Learning, interpreting, and imagining - this is the fascination of endocrinology, in my opinion. I will do my best to make the most of this feature of endocrinology and to make this event an opportunity to lay the foundations for the next 100 years.

Working group 2. History of endocrinology & metabolism: Takayoshi Suganami(Department of Molecular Medicine and Metabolism, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University)

Working group 2. History of endocrinology & metabolism

Takayoshi Suganami

Department of Molecular Medicine and Metabolism, Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University

The Japan Endocrine Society will commemorate its 100th anniversary in 2026. I hope that the commemorative ceremony to be held in Kyoto, where the Society was founded, will become an opportunity to look back at the 100-year history of endocrinology and exchange our dreams for the next 100 years.

Working group 3. Diversity and JES We Can: Noriko Makita(Department of Endocrinology, The University of Tokyo)

Working group 3. Diversity and JES We Can

Noriko Makita

Department of Endocrinology, The University of Tokyo

In the upcoming year 2026, the Japan Endocrine Society will celebrate its 100th anniversary. As a member of the Japan Endocrine Society, I hope to contribute to weaving the past 100 years and shaping the next 100 years. From a diversity perspective, I look forward to working with Dr. Asahara, the representative of JES We Can, to enhance the excitement surrounding the 100th anniversary.

Working group 3. Diversity and JES We Can : Noriko Satoh-Asahara(Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Hypertension Research, Clinical Research Institute, National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center)

Working group 3. Diversity and JES We Can

Noriko Satoh-Asahara

Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Hypertension Research, Clinical Research Institute, National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center

In 2026, the Japan Endocrine Society will celebrate its 100th anniversary, a major milestone.

As a Task Force member of the 100th anniversary and Chair of the JES We Can Committee, I would like to take the opportunity of the 100th anniversary to promote cohesion with past committee chairs, experts, as well as young and mid-career doctors, to prepare a great event.

Looking ahead to the next 100 years, I pray for the further diverse development of endocrinology.

Working group 4. Trends in endocrinology and the history of the Japan Endocrine Society: Tomohiro Tanaka(Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences)

Working group 4. Trends in endocrinology and the history of the Japan Endocrine Society

Tomohiro Tanaka

Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences

A century-long legacy of the Japan Endocrine Society parallels with the rise and blossoming of endocrinology as a scientific and medical field, providing a best example of modern medicine constructed on the firm foundation of scientific principles. During the past one hundred years, we have witnessed moments when the power of science repelled the harm of diseases. Now as we stand here, right in front lies a vast ocean of human future awaiting for our scientific expedition. Let us together depart on a voyage over uncharted waters toward never-ending dreams of mankind.

Working group 4. Trends in endocrinology and the history of the Japan Endocrine Society: Masakatsu Sone(Department of Internal Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine)

Working group 4. Trends in endocrinology and the history of the Japan Endocrine Society

Masakatsu Sone

Department of Internal Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine

I am honored to be participating in the 100th anniversary of the Japan Endocrine Society. In Japan, the Endocrine Society was founded a long time ago and has left a significant mark in the world’s history of endocrinology through the discovery of many hormones. It is an important task to pass it on to future generations. I believe that this event will also be a good opportunity to think about the future of endocrinology, and I will do my best.

Working group 5. Public relations and awareness activities: Tomonobu Hasegawa(Department of Pediatrics, Keio University School of Medicine)

Working group 5. Public relations and awareness activities

Tomonobu Hasegawa

Department of Pediatrics, Keio University School of Medicine

My congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the Japan Endocrine Society! As a member of the Japan Endocrine Society 100th Anniversary Task Force WG in charge of public relations and awareness activities, I will do my best to promote the anniversary project. Together with all our members, I would like to overview the current situation and cultivate energy for the next 100 years.

Working group 5. Public relations and awareness activities: Koshi Hashimoto(Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Hematology, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center)

Working group 5. Public relations and awareness activities

Koshi Hashimoto

Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Hematology, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center

I will be in charge of public relations and awareness activities together with Dr. Tomonobu Hasegawa, and I will make every effort to use the 100th anniversary as an opportunity to communicate the importance of hormones and endocrinology to society at large and to promote a deeper understanding of the field. I will strive to raise awareness and disseminate correct information about endocrinology by communicating in an easy-to-understand manner the contributions that have been made to endocrinology in our country, as well as the latest research and findings.


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