Symposium 5
Importance of heart team in the treatment of coronary artery disease
冠動脈疾患に対する多くのエビデンスが毎年蓄積され、これらを反映したガイドラインでは多くの推奨事項が記されているが、ガイドラインを適用可能な症例は限定的であることが知られている。超高齢社会を背景として弁膜症や低心機能、腎機能障害、全身血管病などの併存疾患の問題に加え、社会的、精神心理的な脆弱性も検討されるべきである。また、そこには患者・家族の希望も大きな役割を担う。従って、単に内科、外科の議論にとどまらない多職種による議論が必要になっている。加えて、本邦においては、心臓外科を開設していないPCI施行施設が少なくなく、地域におけるハートチームの形成,実践が望まれている。そこで、各施設の工夫、様々な形の運用、課題などを発表いただき、ハートチームのさらなる発展へつなげたい。 Although many evidences for coronary artery disease are accumulated year by year and many recommendations are written in the guidelines reflecting them, it is known that the cases to which the guidelines can be applied are limited. In addition to the problems of coexisting diseases such as valvular disease, low heart function, renal dysfunction, and systemic vascular disease due to an aging society, social and psycho-psychological vulnerabilities should be considered. Moreover, the hopes of patients and their families also play a large role. Therefore, there is a need for discussions by multiple experts that goes beyond mere discussion by interventionalist and cardiac surgeon. In addition, there are many PCI facilities in Japan that do not have cardiac surgery, and it is desired to form and practice a heart team in the area.
Therefore, we would like to make the Heart Team even more informative by soliciting presentations on innovations at different facilities and different modes of operation.
Masato Nakamura
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Toho University, Ohashi Medical Center, Tokyo
David P Taggart
Cardiovascular Surgery, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
David P Taggart
Nuffield Department of Surgery, Oxford University, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
Shuichiro Takanashi
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kawasaki Saiwai Hospital, Kawasaki
Koichi Nakao
Division of Cardiology, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital, Kumamoto
Hiroyoshi Yokoi
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Fukuoka Sanno Hospital, Fukuoka
Hajime Fujimoto
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital, Tokyo