Symposium 1
Present and perspective of continuous-flow ventricular assist device in the coming time of destination therapy
わが国において、間もなく植込み型補助人工心臓(cf-VAD)のdestination therapy (DT)使用が承認される。高齢や様々な併発症を有する重症心不全患者のリスクの高いcf-VAD装着手術の適応をどこまで拡大するか、どのような日常の機器管理・患者教育が望まれか、時代に即応した家族・社会のサポート体制をどのように構築するか、などの新たな課題が山積している。また、DT治療を社会に根付かせるためにはQOL向上を目的としたDT治療の終末期はどのようにあるべきかを真剣に考えるセッションにしたい。 Destination therapy for continuous-flow ventricular assist device (cf-VAD) will be approved for health insurance coverage soon. There are many issues to be discussed and solved, such as reasonable criteria for cf-VAD implantation in patients with advanced age and/or comorbidities, desirable home management and patient education, acceptable family and social support systems matching recent demands, and so on. It should be also deeply discussed what are desirable measures at the end of life during DT treatment whose goal is improvement of quality of life in order to take root in Japanese society.
Minoru Ono
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Nir Uriel
Cardiology, Columbia University/New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell, New York, USA
Nir Uriel
Cardiology, Columbia University/New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell, New York, USA
Atsushi Suzuki
Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Womens' Medical University, Tokyo
Daisuke Yoshioka
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University, Suita
Eisuke Amiya
Department of Therapeutic Strategy for Heart Failure, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Takuya Watanabe
Department of Transplant Medicine, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita