Plenary Session 5
New drugs for chronic heart failure
病態の解明と大規模臨床試験に基づくエビデンスをふまえて、心不全の薬物治療は従来の利尿薬と強心薬を中心とした治療から、神経体液性因子の活性化を抑制する治療へと大きく進歩してきた。左室駆出率が低下した心不全(HFrEF)に対してはACE阻害薬・アンジオテンシン受容体拮抗薬(ARB)・ミネラルコルチコイド受容体拮抗薬(MRA)などのRAA系抑制薬やβ遮断薬が推奨される。一方、左室駆出率が保たれた心不全(HFpEF)に対してはうっ血の改善を目的とした利尿薬の投与と心不全増悪に結びつく併存症に対する治療を行う。薬物治療の進歩にもかかわらず心不全患者の予後は依然として不良であり、より有効な治療薬の開発が進められている。HFrEFに対してIfチャネル阻害薬イバブラジンとアンジオテンシン受容体ネプリライシン阻害薬(ARNI)サクビトリルバルサルタンの予後改善効果が証明され、わが国でも使用されている。さらに、DAPA-HF試験で糖尿病治療薬であるSGLT-2阻害薬ダパグリフロジン、VICTORIA試験で可溶性グアニル酸シクラーゼ(sGC)刺激薬vericiguatのHFrEFにおける予後改善も証明された。心筋ミオシン活性化薬omecamtiv mecarbilのGALACTIC-HF試験も進行中である。
On the basis of the pathophysiological mechanism and the large-scale clinical trials, the pharmacological treatment for heart failure has been greatly advanced from diuretic and digitalis to the inhibition of neurohumoral factors. RAA inhibitors including ACE inhibitor, angiotensin receptor antagonist (ARB), mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) and β blockers are recommended for HFrEF. On the other hand, diuretics and the treatment for the comorbidities are recommended for HFpEF.
The prognosis of patients with heart failure is still poor, and the development of a more effective therapeutic drug is greatly needed. If channel inhibitor, ivabradine, and angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), sacubitril/valsartan, are now approved for HFrEF and used in Japan. Furthermore, VICTORIA with soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimulator, vericiguat, and DAPA-HF with SGLT-2 inhibitor, dapagliflozin, have reported the improvement of outcomes in patients with HFrEF. GALACTIC-HF with cardiac myosin activator, omecamtiv mecarbil, is under way.
Recently, various types of new drugs for heart failure have been developed. This plenary session aimed to present the latest findings of the research about the new therapeutic drugs for heart failure and further understand the present and future of heart failure treatment.
Hiroyuki Tsutsui
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
John McMurray
BHF Cardiovascular Research, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
John McMurray
BHF Cardiovascular Research, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Takashi Kuwano
Department of Cardiology, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Fukuoka
Hiroyuki Takahama
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita
Teruhiko Imamura
Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Toyama, Toyama
Takamasa Satoh
Department of Cardiovascular Medicne, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima