Plenary Session 3
Utilizing AI for cardiovascular treatment
近年ICTおよびAI技術の活用は、国内外の様々な医療分野において、大きな注目を集めている。Deep Learningという革命的な学習方法が登場してから15年が経過し、CNN、Xgboostなどの手法も普及し、一般的な研究者が研究をすすめる環境が整ってきており、循環器領域においても、心エコー、冠動脈CTなどの画像、心電図を中心とした波形データ、また臨床指標による予後予測などに応用分野が広がっている。さらにゲノム・オミックス情報や生体モニングによる情報など個別化医療の現実化の取り組みも多く開始されている。臨床研究においても従来のClinical Randomized Trial(CRT)から大量のReal World DataをAI処理、活用する方向へとパラダイムの変換が進んでいる。本シンポジウムでは医療の新時代におけるこれら循環器領域のAIの活用について国内外の最新の動向を紹介し、将来の展望について議論を深めたい。
In recent years, the utilization of ICT and AI technology has attracted extensive attention in medical fields in the world. It has been 15 years since revolutionary learning methods including Deep Learning were proposed. The AI development environment has been opened to general researchers. In fact, several AI algorithms, such as CNN, Gradient Boosting, and so on, are prevailing and can be easily implemented. In Cardiology, AI has been applied to deriving and utilizing unstructured data including ECG waveform data and images obtained from Echocardiography and Cardiac CT, and to predicting prognosis by clinical information. Furthermore, AI algorithms are going to be utilized for the personalized medicine based on biometric information such as genome/omics information and biological monitoring data. Now, we are seeing a paradigm shift in the importance of the clinical researches from clinical randomized trial to a huge volume of Real World Data utilized and processed by AI. In this symposium, we would like to introduce the latest trends in Japan and overseas regarding the AI applications in Cardiology, and to deepen our discussion on future prospects.
Kunihiro Nishimura
Department of Preventive Medicinen, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita
Khung Keong Yeo
Department of Cardiology, National Heart Centre of Singapore, Singapore
Khung Keong Yeo
Department of Cardiology, National Heart Centre of Singapore, Singapore
Satoshi Kodera
Department of Cardiology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Hirohisa Taniguchi
Cardiovascular Center, International University of Health and Welfare Mita hospital, Tokyo
Hirotada Masuda
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Suita
Nobuyuki Kagiyama
Department of Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo