


Shigeru Kiryu

President of 10th annual meeting of ISMRM-
Japan chapter

Professor and chairman, Department of Radiology
International University of Health and Welfare

Dear all colleagues,

I am honored and pleased to introduce the 10th ISMRM-Japanese Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting.

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) is the world's largest research organization for MRI, with researchers from all over the world participating. The ISMRM-Japan Chapter (ISMRM-JPC) was established in 2016 as the Japanese organization of ISMRM and has been holding annual meetings in Japan. This year's conference is co-hosted with the Japanese Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (JSMRM) and marks its 10th anniversary.

The modalities related to radiology are multidisciplinary, particularly MRI, which has a strong tendency in this regard, involving researchers from diverse fields such as engineering, pharmacy, medicine, computer science, and others. Cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence are integrated into this exciting modality from the early stages. The ISMRM-JPC comprises researchers from basic science to clinical applications and share the latest information on MRI. We are also working to enhance Japan's presence within ISMRM.

This year, the event will be held at Arcrea HIMEJI on August 30th. We expect active discussions with many participants and especially hope for the enthusiastic participation of young researchers.

January 2025