Convention Linkage, Inc. |
is a highly acclaimed group of professionals, holding the status as Japan’s leader in spearheading events, tourism and facility management. We offer quality services accompanied by unparalleled hospitality and exceptional facilities, each unique to any other. |
Our plethora of experiences and achievements range from governmental and UN meetings to large academic conferences, corporate seminars, cultural events, sporting events and exhibitions. Our team is here to create professional and notable events and conferences through dedicated planning and flawless execution. |
Our Services
Six Major Groups of Our Services
The Services of Convention Linkage, Inc. are grouped into six categories as shown in the diagram below. All service segments are correlated to one another to increase our knowledge and skills and to accumulate useful resources, which are used to produce a "great success" to the organizer and a "great impression" to each participant.

Our Facilities
Japan's Pioneer in Facility Management - from Convention Centers to Stadiums and more
Convention Linkage's facilities are equipped to support your Hybrid and Virtual conferences, exhibitions, entertainment events, and more.
A number of online and hybrid conferences, including the 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dermatological Association, the 79th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health, the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, have been held in 2020-2021 under COVID-19.
G20 Aichi-Nagoya Foreign Ministers' Meeting
was held successfully from November 22-23, 2019 Multiple Bilateral Meetings were held between Japan and delegations from more than 60 countries, areas and international organizations that participated in the Emperor Naruhito's Enthronement Ceremony.
G20 Health Ministers' Meeting
was held in Okayama from October 19-20, 2019.G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting
was held in Matsuyama, Ehime from September 1-2, 2019,EU Green Gateway to Japan 5 Sector Missions
are being held through 2017-2020. Our upcoming mission will focus on healthcare and medical technologies.G20 JAPAN 2019
was held from June 28-29, 2019 in Osaka.Prime Minister Abe and President Trump, state guest of Japan, held the
Japan-US Summit Meeting
and made a joint press conference on May 25, 2019.We contributed to the success of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit and the historical visit of the United States President, Barack Obama to Hiroshima.
We would like to express our thanks for all the support from those involved in making this a memorable event.10th Biennial Conference of the Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia (PDAA2016) was successfully held in Tokyo, in conjunction with 54th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry (JSPD2016). Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.
We contributed to the success of "G7 Ise-Shima Summit", " G7 Hiroshima Foreign Ministers' Meeting", "G7 ICT Ministers' Meeting in Takamatsu,Kagawa", "
G7 Kurashiki Education Ministers' Meeting in Okayama", "The G7 Kobe Health Ministers' Meeting", and "The 16th Tripartite Environment Ministers meeting among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM16)". Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.
G7 ICT Ministers' Meeting in Takamatsu, Kagawa
was successfully held. Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.G7 Hiroshima Foreign Ministers' Meeting
was successfully held in Hiroshima, April 10th -11th , concluding "G7 Foreign Ministers' Hiroshima Declaration on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation". Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.GEA (Global Environmental Action) International Conference 2015
was successfully held in Tokyo with attendance of Their Imperial Highnesses Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan as well as the Prime Minister of Japan. Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.The Second China-Japan-Korea Trilateral Agricultural Ministers' Meeting (TAMM)
was successfully held in Tokyo. Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.The 12th General Conference and Seminar of EASTICA
was successfully held in Fukuoka. Thank you to everyone who was involved and participated in its success.The International Council for Central and East European Studies IX World Congress 2015 (ICCEES2015)
was successfully held in Chiba.The XVIIth World Economic History Congress (WEHC 2015)
was successfully held in Kyoto.The IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Tokyo was successfully held.
His Excellency Mr. Benigno S. Aquino III, President of the Republic of the Philippines, came to Japan as a state guest and gave a speech in the Diet.
The Eighth Round of Negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was successfully held in Kyoto.
The 29th General Assembly of The Japan Medical Congress was successfully held with attendance of his Imperial Highness Crown Prince of Japan and more than 400,000 participants.
The UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was successfully held with attendance of their Majesties, the Emperor and Empress, concluding "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030" and "Sendai Declaration". With more than two hundred staff members of Convention Linkage, Inc. assisting this conference and the UN Secretariat gave the letter of appreciation to us as a token of gratitude.
