APOTC.2024 8th Sapporo japan

Student Forum

The Student Forum is organized by occupational therapy students and new graduates. We hope that this forum will support students and new therapists learn diverse values of occupational therapy through international exchange and develop a future vision as occupational therapists.

Thursday, November 7, 2024, 13:30 - 17:00
Room 1 (Conference Hall)
Young person for the future, be ambitious!
Included in the congress registration fee
Students, new therapists (1-3 years after graduation), teachers of OT schools, etc.
Part 1: "Let's share our values on OT and find out what we want to achieve in the future!
The session will serve as an icebreaker to deepen mutual understanding by sharing the values of occupational therapy in your own country. Each group will discuss the future they would like to achieve as therapists and clarify their vision for the future.
Part 2: "Let's create the path to the future we want to achieve!
By discussing the ways to reach their desired future in groups, participants will gain a variety of ideas for achieving their vision.
Pre-registration is required. However, unless the number of participants reaches the maximum capacity, you can also register on the day of the congress.
Pre-registration is required. However, unless the number of participants reaches the maximum capacity, you can also register on the day of the congress.